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Flirting? Audio Sex Stories

422 results
By AspyVA 44 -33:14
Setup: You - the performer - are home for the holidays, where you haven't visited in a few years. You get into town and hit up the old bar that all your classmates use to frequent when they'd come home and you run into the listener - one of your little brother's friends from school. You get to talking, a little teasing and flirting, and you go your separate ways, thinking that it will be your last meeting. Until...your town got a sudden downpour of snow overnight. The next day, as you're attempting to leave town, you car gets stuck right out in front of her house. You knock on the door, to find that she moved back and is living in her childhood room again for the first time in years. More flirting, more teasing, some confessions, and next thing you know you're both naked in that childhood bedroom.
Narrator is Listener's best friend, and they have a reputation for doing stupid stuff to flirt with the people they have a crush on. When they're talking about this subject with Listener, the topic of how they both first met comes up. While talking about this, it suddenly becomes clear to Listener that Narrator sure does a lot of odd things around them...
Original and more content on my Youtube @ TragedyOfBliss Summary: He is a troublemaking Rebel who's attracted to you - a bartender at a high-end bar who has been there for a while. Not the type to hide from their feelings, this Rebel enjoys visiting and flirting with you while they work, though you don't think anything of the flattery and sweet gestures. When his usual visit takes a turn for the more violent, he talks to you while you patch him up. Could this troublemaking Rebel become your Boyfriend? Fantastic script by: u/softlikestatic on Reddit Flirty Punk Asks For A Chance At Your Heart While You Patch Them Up
By serincorev2 11 -13:24
Summary: Listener is spending a stormy night watching movies when they hear a knock at their door, and they open it to find Narrator, their cute neighbor, has locked himself out of his apartment. Upon offering to let him stay the night, Narrator and Listener get to flirting, and the night ends with their first date. Script by: u/Softlikestatic Voiced by: u/Serinaded
By kinkyshibby 788 25:53
So what was the game plan here, smart guy? You’d come over here and say you were cold and then I’d let you sleep in the same bed as me? You know, there’s a reason I didn’t say “don’t try anything” when I let you stay here. It’s cause I thought I wouldn’t have to worry about a nice, quiet guy like you doing anything inappropriate. But here you are, standing next to my bed in your underwear. You perv. So… Let’s see it, then. script by u/CuteEmUp