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Your New Girlfriend Encourages You To Cum Whenever You Want

Things are heating up while we're making out and it feels like it's time to go to the next level for the first time with each other. You are an enthusiastic participant, but when I reach inside your pants, you get nervous and pull away. After some gentle reassurance that you can tell me anything, you reveal that you were about to cum and didn't want to embarrass yourself, especially during our first time. You've had some not-so-great experiences with cumming quickly in the past and don't want another one. Luckily, making you cum is a goal of mine and I'm thrilled that you are so excited and turned on by what we're doing. I want you to cum whenever you get the urge, and as often as you'd like. In the interim, there are other things we can do to focus on me. You have more than just a cock to work with, right? Believe me, the more you lose control, the hotter it is for me, so it really is a winning situation for everyone, isn't it?
Since our population growth is so important now, procreation is handled in a very specific way, to ensure maximum effect. You and I are both part of the breeding program, and we've been matched together to attempt impregnation. Normally this involves the most basic sexual mechanics, an ejaculation, and then we're done. But you have other ideas. You want us to enjoy this experience. You want it to feel good. I'm not sure that's what I signed up for, but you want to show me that this doesn't have to be purely clinical. You want to show me just how fun this experience can really be...
You're struggling through a panic attack and I'm right here with you, helping you through it, breathing with you, reminding you that you're safe, your feelings are valid, you're loved, and you will get through this. Focus on my voice, focus on breathing, one inhale at a time. You can do this. I believe in you. And I'll be with you every step of the way.
but also {GFE] I rather enjoy giving blowjobs. Fortunately you rather enjoy receiving them. /Un/fortunately, you've also been lead to believe, by a straight-laced ex, that blowjobs are a massive chore that every woman loathes; as such you're a bit reluctant to be on the receiving end, fun though it is. Now it's my mission to suck the misconception right out of you.
We've just returned home from a trip to see your family and something that was said has left you feeling pretty badly. They don't understand you, they don't seem to get how you feel, or why you are in the relationship you're in, and worse, they don't even seem to be trying. But we're home now, where you are loved and accepted for who you are, not who anyone thinks you should be, and I want nothing more than to wipe away your tears, hold you in my arms, and remind you just how important it is that you live life on your terms. And if I'm lucky enough to share that with you, well, that makes me the luckiest person in the world, now doesn't it?
So… you’re sick. I know that’s scary, and I know the treatments sound even scarier. But listen to me. You *can’t* give up. I won’t let you. You and me - we’ll get through this together. I’ll be with you every step of the way. Because I love you. I’ve never told you, but I’ve always loved you. And together, we can overcome anything. I’ll always be here for you. Now, come here… and let me show you.