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On some plane of existence, there's a world that is similar yet VERY different to our own. In it, all males are legally required to have a female Guardian when out in public. No exceptions! One night, a lucky woman finds an equally lucky man to claim as her own.
A strange noise in the living room woke you up in the middle of the night. You carefully tread your way downstairs, only to find a Santa girl had gotten herself stuck in your chimney. Experimenting with ways to get her unstuck, you decide it’s time to unwrap your Christmas present early... Script by Zepher_F8 Sorry if this seems rushed and sloppy. I wanted to do something for Christmas and I had a small time frame to do it. Enjoy <3
You put yourself out there and finally made a move on your best friend/roomie--and that bastard had the nerve to reject you! You! Embarrassed and upset, you decide to go take a nice long, hot shower. Wait, why the hell is he coming in here?! Script by u/LookingForMyBlueSky
Just need to be fucked pls