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Basically, I did a really dumb challenge and edged for 44 hours in a span of 3 days... Then after that, I found that I broke myself and couldn't cum... So, this is 7 minutes of me being desperate and crying and FINALLY cumming and squirting... I couldn't even think straight, could barely do anything but whine and moan during this. There is mention of cock but no gender assigned, because well... :) Thanks Lovense, is all I'll end with.
How about your best fucking friend? How about the girl you walk home from school with every day? How about the girl who’s helped you every time you get stuck with your homework? How about the girl who plays mario kart with you when you’re feeling down? How about the girl who’s had the biggest fucking crush on you since she met you in kindergarten? Yes, yes I like you, you stupid, stupid idiot. I’ve always liked you. I’m fucking head over heels for you. Why… why do I love you so much. Why you of all people? You’re my everything… and all you can do for me is-
Summary You used to be an unusual “villain” in your city, a vigilante Robin Hood like figure, known for your ability to evade capture by your city’s superhero (listener). After a heist gone wrong, the police manage to track down your lair, only to find you gone without a trace. After a few months of flying under the radar and changing your persona, you’ve gone public as the city’s newest superhero, leaving your former enemy suspicious. When you catch him lurking on the roof of your building, it’s the perfect chance to confront him and try to figure out what his deal is...
Summary: Haunted Hill Estate sat abandoned along with the murder investigation of the family's handsome heir. Found at the bottom of a staircase and left to rot, his soul is lonely and tired. That is, until a curious armchair sleuth decides to try her hand at solving his case. A spell and a misunderstanding... I swear there's ghost fucking in here.
Premise: A powerful mage has been protecting a kingdom from demonic invasions, but the artifact he has been using to do so has started to fail. He suspects the demons are responsible somehow, but is unable to find out how. At his wits’ end, he decides to summon a succubus to interrogate. He has taken every possible precaution against her fiendish magics, but discovers not all threats are magical in nature.