A collab with my good pal /u/everdistant_utopia. Script by /u/pippits and /u/callitafap. Wooo!
Tainted looooove. Woah oh. Trigger warning for Rape.
Welcome to the Club
A script written by /u/notwhorosethinks
Thanks for letting me use it buddy!
Script by /u/bettylaflame, /u/shylittlemouse, and /u/luxwannapop
Minotaur time!
Script By /u/everdistant_utopia. Thanks buddy.
Thanks to u/korranasami and u/everdistant_utopia... Brother, I have upheld the pact.
My attempt at the script by /u/Stalpha4. enjoy!
Script Fill for /u/tarkustrooper
Well, now I hate myself.
I did my damndest
...yeahhhhh, thought I'd give it a shot. Script by /u/derptronic
written by /u/totallynotnatalie
Ares x Aphrodite love affair. Spoicy.
A song from steven universe. Who woulda thought?
Thank you /u/eyesofsuggestion