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Djdyn0 Audio Sex Stories 8

A very short "Good FairyTale ending" Bed Time story for anyone that's having trouble sleeping!!! I have a basic script with basic responses if interested! Hello there darling~ What're you doing up so late? (Insomnia/can't sleep) Oh dear... Would you like a bedtime story? (Positive response) Mhm, okay then. Hmm let's see... Oh! How about a story about a good fantasy dragon that saved a village? (Positive response) Haha! Okay dear, well, where to start...
A script fill about physical pain, I find you after crying and comfort you until we fall asleep together.
I'm testing out putting the script in the description so you can respond!!! I post these on r/PillowTalk so any and all advice is appreciated- Anyway here's the script, hope you enjoy!!! Oh hello there Hun, did you get a good night's rest? (Positive response) I'm glad, it's always the best way to start the day you know! Would you like me to make breakfast? (Negative response) Oh, haha okay I'll stay You're really great yah know? You're always here when I wake up, and if it wasn't for good sleep, you'd be the best way to wake up in the morning <3 (Flustered/Embarrassed/Shushing response) Oh, you're adorable too, and sweet and kind and great and just oh my goodness come here you deserve tickles!!! Hahaha I gotcha!!! Hehehe I know your weak spots!!! Hahaha, see I told you you're great, you're like the perfect person... I'm really happy we got together... I care about you a lot yah know? (Reciprocation) Oh, hehe... Thank you, that means a lot to hear, especially from you. Welp!!! We're awake now, I'mma put breakfast on sugar. Hey, I'm always here for you. Remember that.
You scrape your knee and come to me for help!!! Sorry for the abrupt end I didn't know how to stop it this time... Hey sweetheart what's up-!!!? SWEETIE DID YOU HURT YOUR KNEE!!! COME HERE RIGHT NOW Ohmygoodness little baby!!! Shhhh, shhhh it's okay, I'm here, I'm right here, shhh Shhhhh There there, it's okay It's okay It's okay, how about we get you all bandaged? (Positive Response) Hehe, good little one Oh my goodness, what in the world did you do. (Start answer) Actually, nevermind I don't want to know you'll just worry me more, I'm already Wonder if you deserve walking privileges anymore!!! (Worry at losing walking privileges) I know I know, I won't force you to be carried everywhere, but if you keep falling and scraping your knees and everything I'm gonna have no choice! It's what a responsible person would do. (Request to be let go) Oh! Yes, sorry Hun you're just really soft and warm and adorable. And you being all flustered is even more so!!! Hehe (Request again) Oh, right here you go. Do worry me like that again okay sweetie? (Agreement) Okay. (SORRY I didn't know how to end this one so I just ended up stopping it there...)
You wake me up in the middle of the night because you can't sleep, I take the time to remind you how much I care!
I sing you a lullaby after complimenting you!!! My longest audio so far, I hope you all enjoy! Hmmmm, have I told you how cool you are? (Positive response) Well, you're cool, and stuff n things. And I care about you lots! (Reciprocation) Hehehe, thank you thank you beautiful. Oh, that too, you're also beautiful!!! (Flusteredness) Ohmygoodness you are so adorable when you're all flustered!!! Hehe, come here. There, nice and snug, all cozy and comfy. Shhhhh, shhhh it's okay, it's okay I'm right here, I'm here Don't worry about a thing. I'm right here, I can protect you, and take care of you, and make sure you feel loved and comforted at all times. Shhhh shhh You're such a great person, and I'll always be here for you, if you'd like I can sing you a lullaby!! (Positive response) Hehe, okay, hmmm how about Rock-a-bye Baby? (Positive response) Okay, here you go, I don't have the best singing voice though so sorry- Rock-a-bye Baby On the tree top When the wind blows The cradle will rock And when the bow breaks The cradle will fall And down will come baby, cradle and all Rock-a-bye Baby Up in the sky On a soft cloud It's easy to fly When the cloud bursts The raindrops will fall And baby comes down To Daddy once more Rock-a-bye Baby On the tree tops When the wind blows The cradle will rock When the bow breaks The cradle will fall And Daddy will catch you Cradle and all Hehe, I hope you enjoyed that, goodnight dear, sweet dreams.
Heya! First ever Reverse-Comfort audio. I know I don't make the longest audios- But I'm doin my best here!!! Hope you enjoy!
I/Rio-pornoglyph suggested I do a humming audio!!! So I have decided to provide. Humming] Oh! Hello there sweetheart, I was just thinking about your beautiful smile, humming to myself. I hope you don't mind? (Positive response) Hehe okay sweetheart I'm going to get back to humming to myself. If you'd like you can listen! (Positive response) Okay dear