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Fairy Problems.

Fairy Problems Ever have one of those scripts you see and immediately feel the need to do such? This was one of those for me. Script and editing by the lovely /u/von-scriptenstein, who I owe a thousand life hearts. :D
You asked, I - got sick, and lacked privacy, and then got sick again, but I eventually answered. :D
Questionnaire time! Alas, I couldn't do the Sexy Shakespeare bit, but I will make it up to you lovelies tomorrow, I -promise.- Questionnaire by /u/DeadlyLuckySeven.
So this is a challenge for me, and an absolute terrifying undertaking, as I haven't done this song for years. "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables.
I haven't sung along and recorded it for - god, ever, but I was willing to make an exception. Apologies for the sound quality (I was in my car), and the fact that I was a bit fuzzy on some lyrics (I was nervous).