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The Cummunist Manifest-hoe

happy labor day, my fellow americans! and happy just-another-fuckin-day to you, everyone else! i'm celebrating with selections from marx + engels' communist manifesto. won't you join me, comrades? this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.
in the form of IT'S FINALLY HERE!! i adore this fuckin script from u/AmbroseKincaidVA, and i think y'all will, too. ⚠ this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.
CW: a dear friend commissioned this piece a while back, and it's high time i shared it with all of you! content note: this audio contains the f-slur. if you're not comfortable with it, i *completely* understand. no hard feelings if you need to skip this one <3 ⚠ this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.
so made for u/_Fest_ as part of Sweetsgiving '22! special thanks to u/SilkySmoothSmut and u/AmbroseKincaidVA for their insight and support <3 ⚠ this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.
folks, i'm a long-time fan of u/LateStageInfernalism, and i'm thrilled to share my first fill of his work! i don't usually pounce on fresh scripts, but he posted this beauty yesterday and i fell. in. love. i hope y'all will, too! ⚠ this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.
slight because sooooo depending on your relationship with a borderline-cartoonish midwest accent, this mayyy or may not be a little shitpost-esque. possibly not what u/gowonzu2scripts intended for this piece... but definitely still hot. ⚠ this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.
"Did that... Did that feel good? Then I'll keep doing it. I... really am grateful for this. I was afraid I'd have to... ask some creep. Thank god you're here. You... were the first guy that popped into my head... when I thought of doing this..." this script from u/StiffBringer was WAY too much fun to pass up! i hope y'all enjoy it as much as i did. <3 this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.
"There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, baby brother, but this… This is asking a lot… You’re sure mom is cool with this stuff? Like you promise, pinky swear, that this is something you two do together? You’re not on some freaky incest mission to get me thrown out of the house because you hate me?" what a killer first script from u/curehearts! how could i not? this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.
and straight-up buckle up, chucklefucks, it's baby's first yandere!! big thanks to the commissioner for this excellent script <3 ⚠ this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.
SUPER mild to be safe alrightalrightalright, everybody stay calm, relax, it's just my first time really exposing my subby side, IT'S NO BIG DEAL. CHILL. can we talk about how fucking good this script is instead? because u/ElbyWritesAgain is killin it on the regular---this is my first fill of their work, but definitely not the last. ...okay, done stalling. *really* hope you enjoy! ⚠ this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.
"Shut up for a second. He’s sleeping. She’s sleeping. They’re too far away... Kay, we’re good. Show me." saw this script from u/st0pinthenameoftits and i HAD to take a crack at it. 'tis the season, right? this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.
Mentions of: he's done it again, people! u/SilkySmoothSmut has blessed us with this vehicle for delicious, velvety sadism. if you enjoy this audio, please go show him some love! his was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.
because collab ft. u/RogueChickadee listen, when it comes to bioware franchises, i'm a dragon age kid through and through. but! WHO DOESN'T LIKE MASS EFFECT?! soooo u/RogueChickadee and u/SilkySmoothSmut and i may have done some nerdy/sexy scheming many months ago a little while back... and this is the result. ♥ HUGE thanks to rogue and silky for being such excellent friends and collaborators!! ⚠ this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.
i absolutely LOVE this script from u/AmbroseKincaidVA (written as part of a fabulous r/AudioChills tag swap event)!! the rambling! the pathos! the sexxxxx! what's a little wish fulfillment between friends, y'know? ⚠ this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.
written by u/O-God-whY Envy, if there is anything that can be said for her, is the most honest of her sisters. She rarely presents herself as a friend, or with a deal that will benefit her victims. Instead, she offers an exchange only to those with the furthest to fall. Envy will visit the selfless, those who hold others dearly, and offers an exchange; the victim’s happiness, in exchange for those they hold closest. Envy, once the deal is struck, will watch and taunt as her victim’s life degrades, falling apart a piece at a time, while they are forced to watch those they hold closest become luckier and luckier, happier and happier. At the same time, she stokes bitter resentment, feelings of inferiority, and eventually, hate. She takes those who were selfless enough to give away everything, and makes them wish that they were selfish, that they’d never valued others above themselves, that they’d ruined others for their own sake instead, and she has never once failed in her corruption. ⚠ this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.
i'm THRILLED to make my monstergirl debut* with this 420 script from the wonderful u/logosomancer!! (*i can't believe it took me this long; i promise i'm a card-carrying monsterfucker!) ⚠ this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.
brief mention of okay, so: a little while ago, u/AmbroseKincaidVA and i came across this fabulous script (courtesy of u/VoidScreamsBack!) and independently sent it to each other. FUCKING KISMET, y'all!! vampires? seduction? polyamory? OPTIONAL ACCENTS?? we knew we had to do this one. ⚠ this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.