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You Can't Make Me Cum, Step-Bro! to be your

It's summer break for college and you just got home from your part-time modeling job eager to relax with some tv, only to find who else, but your bratty little stepsister hogging the remote... and while half-naked... "I will bet you exclusive TV rights for the rest of summer until we go back to college that you could never take care of someone like me. What do I mean? Fine. I'll be more specific: You. Can't. Make. Me. Cum. Is that specific enough for me? What? What do you mean "deal"? You mean... you're... going to try?"
You hate thunderstorms. The boom of thunder echoes through the halls of your father's castle, much to your dismay. Just another stressor on top of this looming arranged marriage. Thankfully you've managed to fall asleep tonight, but it's only a matter of time before another crack of lightning forces you awake... if an unexpected visitor doesn't do so first. "You *like* that idea, don’t you, sweetie? A powerful dragon mommy, protecting and pampering you. Keeping her good boy all warm and safe..."
It's been a few months since your new dragoness mommy took you away from your old life as a prince in a dreary old castle, and you haven't looked back once. Before you had no one who truly cared for you, but here you're surrounded with affection. Every day is paradise: eating delicious meals, wearing fine clothes, fucking Mommy, and cuddling atop a horde of gold and treasure. Recently, you've been behaving like an *extra* good boy as thanks for Mommy taking you in. Now you're just waking up from an afternoon nap, and Mommy has news of a special guest... "Oh! We had so much fun last night, I forgot to tell you! We’re going to have a visitor today, sweetie. An old friend has heard about me rescuing you; she wanted to stop by and catch up..." I'm open for commissions! DM me to inquire!
After relocating the treasure horde to a new lair, you've continued to live in a wonderland of dragoness affection with your big soft fiery caretakers taking the utmost care of you. All the luxury that one could ever hope for and more is constantly showering you and you could not be more safe living in such a secluded, frigid place, with two powerful protectors. But somehow you still feel restless, and tonight you've awoken from a terrible nightmare that you were stolen away from this paradise... "Let us kiss you all better, little treasure... We're always here for when you need some tender love and care" "Who's mommy's best baby boy? Yes, you are! Mommy will never let you go, sweetheart..."
One evening as you head to your favorite spring, you chance upon a beautiful, flawless elf girl enjoying an evening bath. "Hey! Hey who's there! ....Oh... oh it's just a dumb human. What are you doing here, you brute? The tavern is THAT way..." You're not about to let her ruin your hard-earned relaxation time tho...
The life of a wizard is one of ceaseless effort and research, one with little reprieve. Thankfully, the Mage's Guild has assigned you an assistant: a criminal indentured as punishment. "You don’t understand…. I haven’t gotten any cock in two weeks... Say... you're not married are you, Sir? Well why can’t you fuck me?" But even without the Mage's Oath binding you strictly to your studies, you'd hardly consider slowing your march towards greater magicks. This Goblin thief will just have to make do on her own.
The life of a wizard is one of ceaseless effort and research, one with little reprieve. Thankfully, the Mage's Guild has assigned you an assistant: a criminal indentured as punishment. "You don’t understand…. I haven’t gotten any cock in two weeks... Say... you're not married are you, Sir? Well why can’t you fuck me?" But even without the Mage's Oath binding you strictly to your studies, you'd hardly consider slowing your march towards greater magicks. This Goblin thief will just have to make do on her own.