Plot: The girl that has been bullying you since the beginning of college has gotten some blackmail material on you and uses it to take advantage of you.
Specialist_Remove_68 script
First try of doing a script. Thank you Specialist_Remove_68 xx
'Oops' doesn't even begin to cover it.
When your girlfriend asked you what you wanted for your birthday, you couldn't think of anything special, but after a few days, you realized there is something you would really like.
You told her you would like to try anal sex and she seemed surprisingly okay with the idea.
You said in your ideal fantasy that it to be rough sex, and she was okay with even that.
You brought up wanting to use restraints and for there to be a gag involved and she was okay with that too. She even seemed excited by the idea.
Without having to say another word, she agreed to it, and told you that even though it wasn't a sexual fantasy for her, she was willing to do it because she loved you.
She thanked you for being so willing to share your desires with her, and you've waited with bated breath since the end of that conversation.
There has been the occasional flirtatious remark about it since, everything said with a smile, and the night before your birthday, she asked you straight if you wanted to have a safeword or safenoise.
You said no. You asked her the same question, and she said no too, but said she wanted you to have one anyway just in case.
Being focused on other things, you didn't ask her to repeat it when you didn't catch it. It wasn't like there was any chance you'd need it.
The girl that has been bullying you since the beginning of college has gotten some blackmail material on you and uses it to take advantage of you.
To be added