idk what u expect from me other than this
Lachaudios Erotic Audio Sex Stories 234
just the usual :)
I kidnapped u but its just for cuddles lol id never do anything bad :)
I get asked for period comfort allllll the time but I never really know what do say/do because im stupid penis haver, so after questioning some friends (it was awkward) have this lol
don't forget the 1 hour sleep track xd
I was just zooted and ready to ramble lmao
i was so tired i just rambled about cat videos
this was meant to be lewd, but I honk shoo'd
random shit like vroom cars and video games (heteromale core pilled)
Im the least cool older brother ever bro
this isnt lewd btw its a sleep aid
BFE bullshit as per the usual B)
crazy must be seen to be beliebed