Starts with me crawling in to bed with you after being away for a while. Ends with us falling asleep in each other's arms. Also, there are some sexytimes in between! :D
Take a shot every time I say "dude".
Lie down and relax, the next hour or so is for you and me.
I know this may be a little slow (or too long) for some people but I like it smooth and slow. If you want to skip to the sexytimes though they start around the 12 minute mark...told you I was slow :P
I let my green monster out to play, then cuddles, then 'cuddles'.
Fun fact: If you play with my hair I will do literally anything for you.....anyythinnngggg..........
You find me asleep after getting home from my trip. You fail at not waking me up. Totally not on purpose.
Get yourself nice and comfortable, because I'm about to come home after a long day and cuddle you like crazy.
The first 15 minutes or so are rambles about phonology, then I get up close and start whispering Latin into your ears. If you get tingles I will die a happy man.
So I would usually use this space to apoligise about how bad my voice is. But I figure it's the thought that counts not the vocal ability, and this one is all for you :)
(P.S. I am sorry for a couple of sloppy edits in this one, it was recorded over a couple of days so there are some changes in bg noise levels and such but I really just wanted to get this out there)
I have a confession to make.
I can't sleep, let me cuddle you until I can?
Did someone say "No refractory period"? :P
Rives would have absolutely smashed this one, hopefully I at least slightly fracture it.
Today I learned badly spoken French is still bad even if you whisper it.
I'm sorry, I wuv you.
What's the one thing that combines the things I love (sleeping, cuddling, and playing with your hair) and the things I hate (getting out of bed, studying, and Latin)?
Why it's you of course!
You can either snuggle up with me or just let me be that voice in your head. Either way, sweet dreams.
No skool like the old skool.
(Apologies if you understand French please don't kill me)