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PillowTalkAudio Verification

Verification Request for Pillowtalkaudio on 5th November 2023
Writer's note: Summary: Your mother comes to check up in you before bed, but instead of seeing you curled up in your blankets, you're on the floor, your arms and legs covered in blood, shaking and crying DISCLAIMER: This script deals with some intense and potentially triggering topics such as self harm and suicide, please read at your own discretion and remember, I love you all ❤️ ------------------------- i recorded this about 5 times, started recording it about 3 weeks ago but couldnt find the time to perfect it. Now finally I got a result that I am mostly satisfied with. Thank you u/Snoo_18923 for the beautiful script. It feels weird to be reading out from the other's perspective instead, so I hope people frind comfort with this!