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Melodicremedy Audio Sex Stories 11

Hey everybody, I know this one is a tad bit generic and uninspired, but I actually had to rush because I needed it ready before my wisdom teeth surgery! Dont worry about me, though. I'm having a hard time resisting the temptation to eat crunchy foods, but I'm not in too much pain. Anyways, please believe me that I'm going to be more creative and thorough in the future. If you liked it, please consider giving us a follow and I will treat your ears every Wednesday as a reward! And of course, I always appreciate feedback, if that is something you would like to do. Thank you to those who gave feedback on my last one, and thank you to those who followed me (9 followers already?! Holy--)! These painkillers are really something so i'm going to take a nap now! See y'all in the next one. -Remedy
Sorry We've been gone so long! Life has gotten crazy so I had to take a break, but I am back now and I bring comfort! please do enjoy. If you would like, you can check out our Youtube channel for a wider variety of audios, but you guys on Reddit will forever be special. For that reason comfort audios will be posted on here two weeks before Youtube. So follow us for early access!
I decided to do a Dysphoria comfort because as a transgender person myself I understand how hard it is to be a gender you aren't. I made this for the MtF ladies out there because yall need some comfort out there in this cruel world. I also was joking around a lot to try and get a laugh out of some of you. I wish you all a bunch of love and hugs and peace. -Melodic
Heyo, it's Melody here with finally an audio for you to enjoy. It took me a little bit to make because I have been having a hard time with my voice a bit lately but I have this one made at least. I hope you all enjoy it and if it's requested I might turn it into a series.
This took a real long time to record, apologies, I also crammed 5 and a half hours of editing into one sitting so I'm pretty tire (the clock totally doesn't say 12:27 AM right now) But i hope you enjoy another Best Boi. His name is Orionix and he is a very precious bean and a favorite to record. Hope you all enjoy him! - Melody
Bad Boy finds you in an alleyway and though a bit irritated at first, he decides to take you to his place to help warm you up and to strike an awkward conversation... Hey yall! Long time no see, I apologize. I haven't been in the best mood for a while plus this took hours to edit. The voice is a bit crappy and I apologize in advance for that as well. I do hope you enjoy the audio though!