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Mindless Matters Episode 5: Negotiation & Safeties!

Hello all! This week we go over the importance of safety and negotiation and we have some real fun playing with a not so great idea to show off automatic and reflexive safewording! Please enjoy, this one was quite a blast to edit. <3 Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Matter_Mindless Anchor!: https://anchor.fm/mindless-matters Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA Discord!: https://discord.gg/4m257dA
This is the first episode of Mindless Matters! Our hosts Jessica and Samantha delve into what makes being silly one of their favorite things in the kink world! We talk on what silliness is to us and its place in the kink world compared to other kinks, then we do trance and things get, you guessed it, incredibly silly!
We're back this week to run a bit of a longer episode, we've got two scenes for you this time!! Today we discuss corruption and why its so hot for so many people, as well as have a little fun with a more non-standard take on it! We also have some CWs this episode: gaslighting resistance perception-play drones Drugplay mention Drones do come up a lot but we felt it important to mention it here due to its relevance to the scenes. with that all in mind, please enjoy the episode!
Chassis, Hivemind, Organizations and Families and Sprawling Complex Structure! It's drone time! A subject near and dear to our heart, we talk our heads off about drones, we break down the parts that are most customizable and give you, the listener, some ideas for each section, from faceplates to entire worldbuilding tones! Who said we can't be a little extravagant with one of our favorites? P.S. No trance this episode, it's all talk and theory baybee, it's just two dronekinkster hypnotists infodumping about drones and drone kink and drone theory, what more could you want? Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Matter_Mindless Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA Discord!: https://discord.gg/4m257dA Kofi!: https://ko-fi.com/mindlessmatters#linkModal
This week's episode takes us down a bit of a detour, we make a Witch's brew when we're a little less scripted, kinda like how you make leftovers or stew when you don't know what you want for dinner! Join us to see a fully experimental episode where Sam is tranced some number more than 4 or 5 times, and given some fun triggers and suggestions to play with, for our amusement and yours!~
Today we delve into how hypnosis can help someone sleep! Join us as we talk about sleepy things and how we wanna experiment with them, like forecasting dreams! P.S. Sorry this went up super late! Sam here, forgot to convert the file to mp3 so it wouldn't upload, Just got it figured out tho!
Here once more, it's Mindless Matters! Taking a sweet cozy and silly detour through a mutual trance idea we've been kicking around for quite awhile! Hope you enjoy with an open ear and a giggling voice as we joke and dispense ideas and wisdom in equal measure on this month's episode. c: Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Matter_Mindless Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA Discord!: https://discord.gg/4m257dA Kofi!: https://ko-fi.com/mindlessmatters#linkModal
Welcome back one and all! Today's episode we talk about bringing someone into and out of trance back to back, and it is a treat! We had so much fun recording this one that we were giggling and blushing and pausing the editing to shout "This isn't fair!! We can't be this hot!!" Jessica even said she would have done a back-flip if it wasn't 3 AM, so that oughta tell you what kinda ride you're in store for. Enjoy!~ Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Matter_Mindless Anchor!: https://anchor.fm/mindless-matters Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA Discord!: https://discord.gg/4m257dA Kofi!: https://ko-fi.com/mindlessmatters#linkModal
ALRIGHT! We made it, just in time to get back into it and record the next episode tomorrow, hopefully putting us back on schedule! Today we have some fun playing around with ideas! This episode's ideal is to inspire y'all or give you something to think about! We go from petrification to sleep paralysis to specific body part immobilization to a bunch more! The trance for this episode even has a little fun with brambles~ Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Matter_Mindless Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA Discord!: https://discord.gg/4m257dA Kofi!: https://ko-fi.com/mindlessmatters#linkModal
We're here today for an intro to hypnosis! On the 8th Episode! We promise it makes sense, roll with us here. It's a bit of a sillier episode in some places but hey the best teaching is layered with humor! Please enjoy as we go over things such as "What is trance?" and "Why negotiation and safety are so important!" among many other things! Also, sidenote, no live trance this time around! We explain why in the podded cast! Enjoy listening, everyone~ Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Matter_Mindless Anchor!: https://anchor.fm/mindless-matters Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA Discord!: https://discord.gg/4m257dA
Hello all. After our last episode we figured, hey, lets get a drone trance in there huh? Join us for Jess testing out a nested loops trance and the both of us sharing some drone ideas and thoughts that didn't make it in to the last episode! Also, as an additional note. For those not on the discord, we will only be updating mindless matters at the last Tuesday of each month for the time being (sorry we're a little late this month) due to time and energy constraints on the both of us, nevertheless we are available on twitter or especially our discord for any questions or chats or such you might have about the show! Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Matter_Mindless Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA Discord!: https://discord.gg/4m257dA Kofi!: https://ko-fi.com/mindlessmatters#linkModal
WE. ARE. BACK! As we so often are!~ Join us once again for a look through sensory deprivation through the lens of hypnosis! What can you do with it, and for who and how? We talk about this as well as our usual silly antics and anecdotes and ideas! It's a bit of a longer trance section there at the end with some scene discussion thrown in for good measure, and for all those who like listening to the end, there's a little bonus outtake that we might make a habit of including in these episodes!~ Also: Jess talks more about the Podcast ARG, and whether or not it's a thing. (We personally have no idea.) Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Matter_Mindless Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA Discord!: https://discord.gg/4m257dA Kofi!: https://ko-fi.com/mindlessmatters#linkModal
This week's episode features us! (Shocker, we know.) Except it's us talking about dolls! What kinds, how to play with, ideas surrounding composition! It's another one of those kinks that varies wildly depending on the people participating in the play, so as always, we're hoping to give you some new ideas from listening. :) Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Matter_Mindless Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA Discord!: https://discord.gg/4m257dA Kofi!: https://ko-fi.com/mindlessmatters#linkModal
Hey folks! It's been a hot minute, but we're back with an extra fun episode that we're quite proud of! This time we join Jess and Sam for a method-heavy montage of ways you can up your memory play game, how to do so responsibly, and of course, we give some examples of a fun trigger you can do with it! Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Matter_Mindless Anchor!: https://anchor.fm/mindless-matters Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA Discord!: https://discord.gg/4m257dA
The gals are here, bimbo-pepsi is back, we're SUPER tired and silly, lets get this party started! Today we trance each other until we're both giggling messes of some weird late night sleepover humor, there's a little horny here and learning there but honestly it's mostly just us being SILLY and trancing each other while we're tranced and having a great time! Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Matter_Mindless Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA Discord!: https://discord.gg/4m257dA Kofi!: https://ko-fi.com/mindlessmatters#linkModal
HOOWEE This one took a bit! Join us this month for a detour, the scenic route! We stroll through some pop culture and analyze just a little too closely how the hypnosis in media works! Todays prying eyes are specifically on Bioshock's Would You Kindly, the Jedi Mind Trick, She-Ra's Horde Prime, and Homer from the Simpsons having an Abreaction! We hope you enjoy. Thank you for your patience. c: Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Matter_Mindless Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA Discord!: https://discord.gg/4m257dA Kofi!: https://ko-fi.com/mindlessmatters#linkModal
It's Mindless Matters! Back again with hypnosis, but from a submissive perspective! As in using it to entreat and pamper your dom, or many other ways you can use it for fun and shenanigans*! *shenanigans may include: giving yourself triggers for your dom, hypnotic treatments and aftercare, conditioning, and more! Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Matter_Mindless Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA Discord!: https://discord.gg/4m257dA Kofi!: https://ko-fi.com/mindlessmatters#linkModal
It's time yet again for the ol' Witch's Brew! Y'all we were DELIGHTED with this episode and concept alike! We strongly encourage to play with this on your own time, with whoever you trance with! It's a ton of fun and we're pretty sure it helps practice lucid dreaming! Join us as we dive into strange places deep within our subconscious imaginations, neither of us know where we'll end up, and honestly? That's super fun! Brief CW for bee tf involving mention of chitin for skin, and fearplay adjacent comments by the way! Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Matter_Mindless Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA Discord!: https://discord.gg/4m257dA Kofi!: https://ko-fi.com/mindlessmatters#linkModal
We're here with another Witch's Brew! Our lives are a touch busy so we decided to play around a bit instead of being as structured. For this episode, Samantha's the hypnotist! Join us as we play with a trigger we'd stumbled upon earlier in the week before we recorded this, and tinker around with it in some ways we hope you'll love as much as we did.~ As a brief side-note, there was a need to have a fan on in the background that we weren't able to cut out for the back half of the episode, hopefully it's not too bothersome! Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Matter_Mindless Anchor!: https://anchor.fm/mindless-matters Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA Discord!: https://discord.gg/4m257dA
Whoa. Been awhile huh? We're once more back, it's Mindless Matters!!! We tear down the fabric of the podcast itself and destroy the rules in favor of the comfort and freedom of a podcast soup for a more free-form and free-flowing look at Framing and Fluidity. Season 2 is here and it's got it all, jokes, cool ideas, tangential stories, trance segment, a mindless morsel at the end, and two queer nerds getting way too into talking about stuff! https://twitter.com/Matter_Mindless https://discord.gg/4m257dA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA https://ko-fi.com/mindlessmatters#linkModal
Hey there from New Hampshire! Twilight and Chronicle come at you LIVE and IN PERSON (retroactively, of course) with a presentation made on the 8th floor lounge space of NEEHU 2024. We discuss what makes a game "hypnotic" or "A Game". We tell a cool joke about an oar. Links!: https://discord.gg/4m257dA https://cohost.org/Mindless-Matters?page=0 https://bsky.app/profile/mindless-matters.bsky.social https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHPAGjeTxTAGc9GZAbMdpA https://ko-fi.com/mindlessmatters#linkModal