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Come play a game with me. I really want to make you cum but you need to play along. I'm rooting for you.
You've wanted to break up with your boyfriend for awhile but haven't had the guts to do it. Tonight you do it and have some hot/sad breakup sex afterwards.
You come home from town to find your boyfriend still up and very jealous. You talk him down quickly and the heated moment turns into something much more fun. Anonymous feedback form: https://forms.gle/WgyLCvWcRQfycP646 More audios: https://www.reddit.com/user/moorezako/comments/thkhss/zakos_masterlist/
You have been dating this cute guy for a couple months. Things are starting to get serious which means you need to tell him the secret you've been keeping: You can read minds! In the past this talk hasn't always gone well. Not every guy likes to know that their girlfriend hears their every thought. Thankfully, this time is a different story! And it turns out he's got a couple secrets of his own... What could be hotter than knowing exactly how obsessed someone is with your pussy? Find more of my audios here: https://www.reddit.com/user/moorezako/comments/thkhss/zakos_masterlist/
Summary: You and your ex broke up almost a year ago. It was a devastating decision to make because you were both still very much in love. But travel, career and adventure were calling you... You are now back visiting and run into your ex at a party. It's clear a lot has changed, and there is a bit of friction. But friction is the best way to create a spark...
You lived with this cutie for a couple years in the past. It's been awhile since you've seen each other. You meet at a party and it's clear this guy is totally in love with you still. Who knows what will happen between you at this party? ... ...you have sex. Sorry, spoiler.
After rescuing the Orc war-chief who saved your village, you wouldn't mind a little reward...
It's been 6 months since you broke up with your ex. It might be time for a backslide...
You're helping your roommate clean up after a rager of an evening and whilst doing so, he finally realises why you're giving him the cold shoulder, much to his disdain. He decides to take it into his own hands to show you what he really thinks about you.
You’ve been secretly in love with your best friend for quite some time, constantly having to listen to him talking about his dating antics with all those other girls and quietly going out of your mind. One night, in the heat of the moment you send him a message you instantly regret and delete. Fortunately for you, however, not quite quickly enough. -Author: https://www.reddit.com/user/WhosAccountIsThiss/ -Performer: https://www.reddit.com/user/moorezako
In the middle of a major relationship crisis, you, your boyfriend and your old college friends rent a beach house for a weekend to reconnect after Covid and quarantining apart for over two years. After a first night of drinking and joking, nobody seems to notice the tension between you and your BF, and in the next morning mostly everyone decides to go for a swim and some beach games. However, you are still a little agoraphobic and sad, so you decide to stick this one out and stay in the house by yourself. But your boyfriend's best friend -- who used to be your best friend back then --- ended up oversleeping...
You and your boyfriend are back home from a night out. He’s looking very nice in his suit and that inspires an idea or two (or three).
You find yourself back at the one spot you go to whenever you're feeling down after some douchebag let you down. Luckily for you, your best friend knows where you've gone and decides to try and cheer you up.