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Context: After acing another quiz, one of the school's notorious bully approaches you. Known for getting into trouble...what could he possible want that you can offer?
Context: You've been playing a new online video game that you've just been pouring all your free time into and even losing sleep over. Your boyfriend isn't very happy about that and tonight is his breaking point after he sees you gaming late into the night.
Summary: After a disastrous date, you meet up with your best friend expecting support, but instead get a fight. Frustrated, you head outside into the huge storm, only for your friend to chase after you and tell you the real reason behind your fight. Script by: lupinstolemyheart
Context: You’re a university student with an upcoming presentation which you have been stressing about to the point where you’re having trouble sleeping. After cuddling with your boyfriend, he fell asleep but all the stress and anxiety makes you feel compelled to work on the presentation despite it being in the middle of the night. You thought he was sound asleep but…
Context: One day, a cute and innocent looking boy from your class asked you to borrow your lecture notes from yesterday. Being the nice person you are, you naturally said yes. Turns out, he may not seem so cute and innocent after all.