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Poltorapixel Erotic Audio Sex Stories 1

You are woken up by the sound of your phone buzzing the alarm. You check the phone and notice someone called you late at night. You don't recognize the number, but they left a voicemail. You check and immediately recognize the voice. It's the bully from school that used to be mean to you. As you get ready to delete the message, you notice they sounds kind of sad. Curious, you decide to play the whole message, wondering why they're calling you after so long.
You bring your new girlfriend to a secret spot so you can watch the stars together and talk. You admit to her that this is a special place you seek out when life gets overwhelming and she opens up a little about why she came to this country in the first place. Bonding under the stars, you just know this won't be your last time laying in the grass next to her.
Greetings everyone and happy Spooky Month! Even though Halloween is practically not celebrated in my country, but that's no reason to experiment. Thanks to u/shygirlyy13 for the stirring script! Make yourself comfortable, grab your headphones and have a good time~. Synopsis: Since the start of secondary school, you've been friends with Lilian but haven't been attending school for days and once you looked at them through their window, you see her.......drinking tea? ---------------------------------------------------------- Приветствую всех и поздравляю с Месяцем Страшилок! Хоть Хэллоуин в моей стране практически не празднуется, но это не повод экспериментировать. Спасибо u/shygirlyy13 за будоражащий нервишки скрипт! Устраивайтесь поудобнее, берите наушники и приятного прослушивания~. Синопсис: С начала учебы в средней школе вы дружили с Лилиан но она уже несколько дней не ходила в школу, и, заглянув к ней в окно, вы увидели, что она....... пьёт чай?