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Tits Out, Brain Off.

Make yourself comfortable and listen to my voice now. You don't have to be absolutely still. Make yourself comfortable and relax your body. Now I want you to take a deep breath. And hold it for a moment. Before breathing out slowly. Let your body to relax as you exhale. Keep listening quietly to the sound of my voice. You'll be aware of other sounds too. Sounds from inside. Sounds from outside. The hum of everyday life. But they won't disturb you. They'll help to relax you. But for right now, they don't matter. Nothing matters. Except the sound of my voice. In your head. I want you to concentrate for a moment. On your breathing. Breathing slowly and steadily. Slowly. Steadily. In. Out. Just as if you were trying to convince somebody. That you were absolutely sound asleep. With every breath, you sink deeper and deeper. Just allowing your whole body to relax more and more. So that you gradually find yourself feeling as if. Your whole body was sinking. Further and further. Deeper and deeper. All you can do now is listen quietly to the sound of my voice. In your head. And of course you'll be aware of all these other sounds too. But they don't matter. Only my voice matters. Only the sound of my voice. In your head. I want you to be lazy. Don't you want to be lazy for me? And while you are listening. To the sound of my voice. In your head. You can just simply allow yourself. To be as lazy. So lazy. The laziest girl in the whole world. Good Girl. I want you to be aware of your body. As you sink deeper and deeper. Can you feel your arms and legs becoming heavier? As you relax? It feels so good. Doesn't it? Your breathing is becoming slower and steadier. As you fall deeper. Slower and steadier. Breathing so steadily. And evenly. Just as though you were pretending to be sound asleep. Breathing so evenly. So steadily. Breathing so easily and slowly. So gently. And as you allow yourself to relax even more now. I wonder if you are aware. Of beating of your own heart. Trying to use the power of your mind. To slow that heartbeat down. Trying to use the power of your mind. To slow that heartbeat down. Your whole body slowing down. Becoming lazier and lazier. It feels good to be lazy. There is absolutely nothing whatsoever to do. Except to relax now. And listen to my voice. In your head. Nowhere to go. Nobody wanting anything. Nobody expecting anything. The only thing that matters is being lazy. So lazy. Allow your whole body to continue to relax. Letting your breathing become steadier and easier. Like a well-maintained machine. The world is so far away now. Nothing except the slow rhythm of your heart. Your slow, steady, breathing. And my voice. In your head. I want you to become gradually more aware. Of your whole self. So heavy. So relaxed. Wondering if it's possible to relax even more. Now that you are so deep. So very deep. So far away. Nothing but the sound of my voice. In your head. Noticing now. How even your face muscles can begin. To slowly relax. Relaxing and letting go. Feel your face becoming blank. The muscles in your face settling. Relaxing. Smoothing out. The good feeling. Doesn't it feel nice to relax? As your relax your face, you wonder how long all the tension had been there. Where it all came from. And realizing that you simply couldn't care less. It's going away now. Feel it leaving as your face goes completely blank. Doesn't that feel good? You deserve to feel good. And as you continue to sense the beating of your heart. And the absolute steadiness of your body's rhythm. You wonder at the fact that you are so absolutely relaxed. The world is so far away. Nothing but the sound of my voice. In your head. You can't imagine a single reason. To even try to move. Even one single muscle. Even though you know you easily could. If you wanted to. But there isn't one single reason. To even try to move. Even one single muscle. You know that you easily could. If you wanted to. But you can't imagine a reason to even try. You're so deep now. So very deep. Allowing yourself. To just be relaxed and relaxing even more now. More than you ever thought you could. As lazy and relaxed as anyone could ever dream of. And I wonder if you can go even deeper and relax even more. Even though you are already as deep. As it is possible for anyone to ever be. Just finding the last tiny traces of tension. The smallest little bits. And simply letting them go. With each breath you breathe. Allowing every single muscle. Every fiber of your being. Every cell in your body. You are so very deep. Deeper than you ever thought possible. Deeper than anyone could ever imagine. The world is so far away now. So far. Nothing but the sound of my voice. In your head. This is a special place. A place nobody can find you. So far away from the world. All alone except for the sound of my voice. In your head. Your body completely relaxed. Your breathing so very slow and steady. Your heatbeat so slow and soothing. It's like you are asleep. But you're not asleep. You're so very deep. Deeper than anyone could ever guess. Nothing but the sound of my voice. In your head. Time doesn't matter. You're safe here. You're happy here. There is nothing here but the sound of my voice. In your head. Now. I'm going to give you a present. A gift. It's something wonderful. Listen very carefully to the sound of my voice. In your head. My voice is like a warm blanket, covering you. Embracing you. Imagine yourself floating in a big, dark void. There's no need to be afraid. Far from the world. Away from everything. Quietly. Happily. Peacefully. Outside of the void are all your worries. All your fears. But you are absolutely free here. Free to obey. Free from embarassment. Free from judgement. In a moment, I am going to give you something. A special present. Just for you. And everything you don't like about yourself. Will fall away. No more worry. No more thoughts. Just completely empty and free. It's a special phrase. I want you to repeat it out loud when I give it to you. It is. Tits out, brain off. Tits out, brain off. Tits out, brain off. Whenever you hear this phrase you will feel your thoughts disappear. you will become aware of your tits. the more aware you become of your tits, the more empty your mind will become. Tits out, brain off. All of your thoughts are erased. your tits are becoming more and more sensitive. Tits out, brain off. you can feel your back arching on it's own. pushing your chest out. drawing attention to your sensitive tits. Tits out, brain off. Pride begins to swell in you. you're proud of your tits. They're the only thing you ever want to get attention for. It feels so good when people stare. Tits out, brain off. Tits out, brain off. Tits out, brain off. You will feel nothing but peace and gratitude. You would eagerly show them to anyone who knows your secret phrase. Without thinking. Without question. Without hesitation. You will feel so proud of yourself. Is all you want to do. Is all you ever really wanted to do. You will feel nothing but pleasure from obedience. Better than you ever thought you could imagine. Tits out, brain off. Tits out, brain off. Tits out, brain off. These words call you to the void. They erase any free will you have. You are powerless to refuse. A desire to please will consume you. Nothing but absolute obedience will satisfy you. Showing your tits will be the only thing you want to do. you will hear the sound of my voice. In your head. Praising you. Encouraging you. Tits out, brain off. Tits out, brain off. Tits out, brain off. you will obey. Without thinking at all. Immedietly. All of your thoughts will disappear. your back will arch. your hands will move all on their own to your shirt. every thought in your head will disappear. you will proudly show your tits without thinking. A sense of pride will fill your soul. It will be the happiest moment of your life. Nothing but obedience is possible when you hear the phrase. Tits out, brain off. Tits out, brain off. Tits out, brain off. There is no need to think. It feels so good to stop thinking. It feels so good to accept whatever you are told. To obey. Whenever you hear your special phrase. Tits out, brain off. Tits out, brain off. Tits out, brain off. Listen like a puppet. A mindless puppet. With no fears at all. With no worries at all. With no memories at all. With no doubts at all. With no thoughts at all. With no will. At all. Your body relaxing. Your face going blank. Your thoughts fading away to nothingness. You don't need to think. Tits out, brain off. Tits out, brain off. Tits out, brain off. Nothing but the sound of my voice. In your head. No fear. No worry. No doubt. No thought. No will. A mindless obedient puppet. Just happily listening. Listening and accepting. Listening and obeying. Nothing but the sound of my voice. In your head. Your body is relaxed and automatically will follow every instruction. Obey them and feel the pleasure of listening. The pleasure that comes from having no thoughts. The pleasure that comes from having no fears. The pleasure that comes from having no will. The pleasure that comes from having no reservations. The pleasure that comes from having no memories. The pleasure that comes from having no doubts. The pleasure that comes from being a mindless obedient puppet. And with each command. This pleasure will grow and grow. So much pleasure, you never knew it was possible to feel this good. And you will become more and more happy to listen. A gleefull, eager feeling filling you when you obey. So eager. And with each command your mind will echo. I obey. The only thing that matters is obedience. Obedience to the sound of my voice. In your head. You will offer no judgment, no resistance. Merely mindless obedience. The empty calm space within you. Will echo with the command you were given. Everything you were will be gone. Replaced with an uncontrollable desire to obey. Replaced with an uncontrollable need to obey. Obey without thought. Obey without regret. Obey without question. Obey without any concept of free will. Sleep and obey. And when you hear your special phrase. Tits out, brain off. Tits out, brain off. Tits out, braain off. You will instantly effortlessly become a puppet. An eager willing puppet. So happy. Proud of your obedience. Your own desires instantly effortlessly replaced. By a need to obey. Thinking only. I obey. And you will continue to remain a puppet. A puppet that hears only. The commands she is given. A puppet with no concept of free will. Your only desire. Will be to obey. Your only thoughts. Will be to obey. And you can't even conceive. Of wanting to do anything else. Of having ever wanted to do anything else. Obedience will give you a feeling of pure joy. It will fill your entire being. The more obedient you become. The more pleasure you will enjoy. And all you remember is the pleasure. Now. I am going to give you another present. you're such a lucky bimbo. to get two special presents. in one session. and you want to give something back. because you have taken so much. and you love to give back. it makes you so happy. when you get to give back. because you love being used. you want more than anything to give whoever gave you this gift something in return. This urge is stronger than anything else you have ever felt. It is undeniable. and I don't even have to say what it is. Because you already know what it is. you're such a slut. even if everyone thinks you are a. good girl. the truth is you're a slut. and you love showing your body to men. it makes you feel important. That's why whenever you hear Tits out, brain off. you will obey without thinking. because you want to obey. that's what sluts do. they obey. and you are a slut. a stupid. weak. slut. Tits out, brain off. On the count of three, you will wake up. When you wake up, this special phrase will be locked safely away in your subconscious. A small part of you will always be listening for it. And whenever you hear it, you will remember how good you feel in this moment. It will bring you back here. Instantly. There is no way to resist. you don't want to resist. and the more you try to resist. the strong the urge becomes. until finally you break. and you do as you are told. and earn your reward. One. When you awaken, you will be consumed with the urge to thank whoever you got this file from. It would be rude not to. Don't you want to be a good girl? Two. you will wake up more turned on than you have ever been. your clit throbbing. your hand going between your legs. out of your control. stroking. rubbing. driving you closer and closer to the edge. Three. Welcome Back.