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Since so many people have been asking me how to have multiple orgasms (see: https://soundgasm.net/u/SelphiaNSFW/M4A-15-Orgasms-in-a-row-Real-OrgasmsMultiple-OrgasmsMoaningWhimperingBreathyBritish-AccentCumming-HARD) I thought I would teach y'all how to do it. If this is your first time trying this, I would suggest only going for ~5 orgasms. Email for enquiries: selphiansfw@gmail.com Audio Archive: https://www.reddit.com/user/SelphiaNSFW/comments/wlbg4k/audio_archive/ Script Archive: https://www.reddit.com/r/SelphiaNSFWScripts/comments/qw5s7l/script_dump/
Making my first audio was so much fun. Never thought that performing would be such a turn on. Make sure you don't cum too early! u/SelphiaNSFW selphiansfw@gmail.com for script and audio enquiries