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Serincorev2 Erotic Audio Sex Stories 11

Summary: On vacation in the mountains, you and a mean mutual friend get separated from your group during a blizzard. You both stumble into a secluded cabin and have to strip down and find cover to keep warm, but you only brought one sleeping bag… You end up sharing it, and some forced closeness leads to a heartfelt conversation that thaws the ice between you two, giving way to cuddles, kissing, and maybe even the blossom of a new relationship.
Summary: Listener is spending a stormy night watching movies when they hear a knock at their door, and they open it to find Narrator, their cute neighbor, has locked himself out of his apartment. Upon offering to let him stay the night, Narrator and Listener get to flirting, and the night ends with their first date. Script by: u/Softlikestatic Voiced by: u/Serinaded