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Tea Party Refreshments

discreet Miss Abigail Marshall hosts unconventional tea parties that don’t just have tea and cakes for enjoyment. Her guests not only get the finest tea blends and delicate cakes but also the use of her handsome gentleman’s tongue for the afternoon. As they are all proper ladies they of course maintain a level of decorum befitting their class.
We are never having dinner with my family again. Not after the way they treated you. You are perfect, amazing, and everything that makes me happy. And if you, even for a second, think you can agree with them about my big, gorgeous lover, I am going to do everything I can to prove you wrong. Written by u/shadowobsidian
An intense session leaves you feeling vulnerable and insecure. Your longtime partner notices your tipping mood and reassures that you're exactly who you need to be. Remember, you are loved. You are accepted. u/bean-cat wrote this beautiful script