This doesn't make sense, but I’m so scared that I’ve already fallen for you too much.
"Why must we love where the lightning strikes, and not where we choose?"
It's not me, it's you.
/u/alwaysslightlysleepy as Cosette, /u/breakfastwithmelissa as Éponine, /u/zero105 as Enjolras, /u/Cardlin as Jarvert and Monsieur Thénardier, /u/WhereLightningStrike as Madame Thénardier, and /u/kkemt as Jean Valjean, with /u/hanktehpigeon as Marius. Special thanks to /u/SnakePrince, /u/oflg1, and /u/CapnOddEO. Instrumental backing track by KaraokeJoeful of Youtube.
It sounds so wonderful, waking up with you.
I do not own the background track.
The nicest thing I've ever seen.
It still haunts me.
I do not own the backing track.
Collab presented by ActuallyMiffed, alwaysslightlysleepy, assaultandflattery, constantdreaming, GazerKamachi, HannahSlamma, MissSweetie, Shralala, SnakePrince, Stef93, Tellerish, WhereLightningStrike, and Zhellim.
Wanted to make a ramble post but had it scripted instead. Anyways, I want you to know that I care.