This doesn't make sense, but I’m so scared that I’ve already fallen for you too much.
Have I ever told you how grateful I am to have you?
"Why must we love where the lightning strikes, and not where we choose?"
It's not me, it's you.
/u/alwaysslightlysleepy as Cosette, /u/breakfastwithmelissa as Éponine, /u/zero105 as Enjolras, /u/Cardlin as Jarvert and Monsieur Thénardier, /u/WhereLightningStrike as Madame Thénardier, and /u/kkemt as Jean Valjean, with /u/hanktehpigeon as Marius. Special thanks to /u/SnakePrince, /u/oflg1, and /u/CapnOddEO. Instrumental backing track by KaraokeJoeful of Youtube.
It sounds so wonderful, waking up with you.
I do not own the background track.
The nicest thing I've ever seen.
It still haunts me.
I do not own the backing track.
Collab presented by ActuallyMiffed, alwaysslightlysleepy, assaultandflattery, constantdreaming, GazerKamachi, HannahSlamma, MissSweetie, Shralala, SnakePrince, Stef93, Tellerish, WhereLightningStrike, and Zhellim.