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16m30s Erotic Audio Sex Stories

5 results
****** Hail and hello fellow perverts! I came across this exquisitely executed script by u/ElbyWritesAgain and knew I had to perform it immediately upon reading. With his permission, I made one version 4M and one 4A so any gender of puppy can enjoy getting brainless! ---------- Description adapted from the script offer: The terms mommy and puppy are used as pet names. There are no incest or beast themes. The listener is called dumb/stupid a lot, but is also praised; worship and degradation are heavily mixed together. The listener does not get to cum and stays denied throughout the entire audio and there is no aftercare in this audio. ---------- **DISCLAIMERS:** - Content may contain portrayals of fictional fantasies by adults, for adults, and about adults and does not condone or promote harm to others in any way. - Content is an original work of creative fiction owned by the artist(s) involved in its production and is protected under copyright and creative commons (BY-NC 4.0). - Permission is given to post fills/adaptations of my content for non-commercial use on Reddit as long as credit is given and the artist(s) involved are notified. - Do not post or rehost fills/adaptations of content for commercial use without express/individual consent of the artist(s) involved. ----------
****** Hail and hello fellow perverts! I came across this exquisitely executed script by u/ElbyWritesAgain and knew I had to perform it immediately upon reading. With his permission, I made one version 4M and one 4A so any gender of puppy can enjoy getting brainless! ---------- Description adapted from the script offer: The terms mommy and puppy are used as pet names. There are no incest or beast themes. The listener is called dumb/stupid a lot, but is also praised; worship and degradation are heavily mixed together. The listener does not get to cum and stays denied throughout the entire audio and there is no aftercare in this audio. ---------- **DISCLAIMERS:** - Content may contain portrayals of fictional fantasies by adults, for adults, and about adults and does not condone or promote harm to others in any way. - Content is an original work of creative fiction owned by the artist(s) involved in its production and is protected under copyright and creative commons (BY-NC 4.0). - Permission is given to post fills/adaptations of my content for non-commercial use on Reddit as long as credit is given and the artist(s) involved are notified. - Do not post or rehost fills/adaptations of content for commercial use without express/individual consent of the artist(s) involved. ----------
By kittytoy85 158
This fell into our plane of existence courtesy of the intrepid transdimensional explorer /u/CastiNueva! Content Warning So, about that rape tag… The listener’s consent is murky in this. She's interpreting the listener's body language as consent, but it’s left ambiguous as to whether or not she’s interpreting the situation correctly... Where you’re being penetrated down there is left ambiguous as is what’s between your legs. My character calls what’s between her legs her girl cock. So, now that you’ve traveled from Earth to another world in search of various nonhuman girls to have sex with, why don’t you see what you might be able to find in that graveyard over there…