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18:30 Audio Sex Stories

3 results
By April-May4 13 -18:30
"You spent all night staring at the ceiling, livid with yourself that you crossed the one line she told you not to cross. Now she's fled, and despite that she promised she'd return this morning, you don't know if she's coming back or if you've ruined things forever. When you see her this morning, looking heart-stoppingly beautiful around your family as if nothing happened, your heart is about to spring out of your chest. You want so badly to tell her how you really feel, but instead of giving you a chance to speak, she hands you the money you paid her, with every intention of leaving. You try to convince her to stay, but she doesn't even let you talk. And just when you're convinced she's about to walk out of your life forever, she reveals how she's felt about you this whole time, too..." - u/Brenna_Sage