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20:56 Audio Sex Stories

2 results
By MommySammys 58 -20:56
It is clear to a mystical being who can see into your psyche that you're lonely and desperate for intimacy... Or maybe it's obvious just by looking at or interacting with you in general... Either way... You're lucky - By some miracle, the all-powerful Genie who can do, create, and have anything in and out of existence... Thinks you're cute~! She is so fond of you, that for the first time in her eternal life, she is willing to bend her only rule... For you. You're different, you're special, you're not like any of the other humans~ In a wholesome turn of events, you find your Genie reciprocating your deepest intimate feelings... Seeing you as something other than just her Master. She likes you a lot - Willing to offer her infinite company. She... Loves you... Even though you're a naïve human who can't even see into your own psyche~ It's illogical, it's absurd, it's... The most amazing thing that could ever happen to you. It's too good to be true~ **WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.**