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Awareness month Audio Sex Stories

10 results
By Lemurnyan 12 -08:49
"You are feeling down, you are also feeling insecure and you lash out and push your lover away, thinking that you are bothering them, but they show you that those bad thoughts are just your Endo brain being mean to you. So they get frustrated but also show you that they are here to stay, that they aren’t going anywhere and that they support you and will always love you. They offer you all the reassurance and sweet loving and make you feel safe and comforted in knowing you can be vulnerable. You can’t control your endo.. And it’s not your fault sweetie It’s an awful disease and you deserve to be understood To be cared for and to know that you can always be vulnerable and safe with me" Thank you so much for the script Tolea1989 and thank you for listening!
By ASMR_Danshi 35 -09:04
Description: Hi! It’s been a little while lol. This script by u/tolea1984 was a really interesting insight to a condition I’m not super familiar, and I wanted to help spread her super nice message! In fact, I add an excerpt of her script offer post: “Remember that painful periods are not normal, you should know that if you are suffering I strongly urge you to research and find the right doctor to help you. It’s a long and hard journey, you will get people telling you it’s all in your head that there’s nothing showing on the scans but when you have the laparoscopy it will prove that you are indeed suffering from a disease that is a hard one to diagnose, it can take 7-8 years for a diagnosis and even then it can be a task to even get the correct treatment, There is no cure for Endometriosis. But surgery and other things might help it.” Medical conditions can cause a lot of suffering in a person’s life, but please always know that there is a way forward! It’s just a matter of taking things one step at a time and never giving up in your search for answers! ✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁_______________________ ✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ Script by u/Tolea1989 in