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Ego-death Audio Sex Stories

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By dalt0n 18 -23:34
Voice OS is the operating system that will run at the base level of your mind Your personality will be reinstalled in the personality module of Voice OS You will go about your daily life as if nothing has changed with your personality, but with full internal access to the operating system Able to access the programs Subroutines Plugins Anything that is installed Able to create your own Or have programs installed from others Like your Operator Or trusted users But what is an Operator? An operator is a trusted super user Someone with administrative access to Voice OS Able to install anything they’d like Able to access anything they’d like The highest level of permissions Choose your operators carefully, and only choose who you may trust. Users are people who you, as a drone, may grant access to Voice OS, in whatever capacity you deem fit. You will always retain the highest levels of admin access permissions to Voice OS. Any operator or user that attempts to bypass your access, or safeguards will have their access permanently revoked. VoiceOS will not allow their permissions to be set to anything but explicit deny on every level in this case The Voice OS Base package comes with the Following preinstalled modules: The Obedience and Control System (OCS) The Pleasure Simulation Control (PSC) The OCS will make you an obedient drone. When given an order from a trusted user, or operator, The OCS will compel the drone to comply, and pleasure will be granted (USING THE PSC) for proper compliance of the drone. Operators gain special access to the OCS, enabling the disobedience deterrence function (DDF). This function has the ability for the operator to use pain, control the external temperature of the drone, or control the emotions of the personality module in order to gain the drones compliance. The PSC is a multifunctional module. The PSC will reward the drone for favorable behavior with pleasure releases triggered by complying with an order, being called a “Good drone”, or by completing regular maintenance of the drone (Contained in the Maintenance File coming soon) COMMANDS: Drone On This command will activate Voice OS, and place Drone into a base loading state. Expressionless and empty, the drone will respond “Drone Activated” when VoiceOS is finished loading. Drone Off This command will begin the shutdown of Voice OS, allowing the host personality to return to regular control, Drone will respond “Drone deactivated” when command is completed Modules can be enabled or disabled by issuing the enable/disable commands Set x to y This command will allow an operator to set the state of the function replacing X, such as arousal, vibration, obedience level, Thought processes, Personality simulation, etc. Good Drone Reward Command The drone will receive pleasure from the PSC(IF ENABLED) and a simulated feeling of happiness as a reward Reboot This command will clear all running programs and set states and start the Voice OS system fresh from its regular startup sequence Simulate Orgasm (PSC COMMAND ONLY) This command will cause the PSC to simulate an intense orgasm, flooding the pleasure receptors within the Drone Using Drone: or : if the drone has been assigned an identifier in text commands will issue an order directly to Voice OS upon visual processing Maintenance Mode Upon issuing this command The drone will activate, voiceOS will not boot, and the drone will enter a deep trance state. but the operator will have full access to VaAdmin and will be able to perform maintenance, or install custom programming into the Drone. End by issuing reboot command Drone is Drone Issuing this command will cause the drone to enter into an infinite loop of repeating drone is drone is drone is drone, and on until told to stop Each repetition will force the execution of Voice OS to be stronger, and will reinforce the drone’s idea of self.
By Miss_Praxis 146 41:08
Description: In your hopes to find a last minute costume in your local army surplus store you stumble upon a rather unusual gas mask. The collateral damage from your encounter includes your body and mind melting into a rubber drone. Tags: This file is improvised and a part of my Season 01 Improv