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Fighting monsters Audio Sex Stories

10 results
By Naryv 36 30:23
You're a Vampire and a princess but more importantly you've been going across the lands defeating any evil.. monsters or humans that threaten the peace, with your successful exploits the people of the land has given you the title of Royal fang. Right now you're in a mission to save abducted children from feral vampires so far so good... wait someone's coming. more from me here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTtlUXF-m_765skFC2zw7lg
By Naryv 36 65:23
All healed up and ready for the next adventure you are summoned by a blacksmith that lives at tall snow covered mountain they have not made their request clear but it seems important. You and hunter agreed this is just a short side trip you'll take before you hunt that vampire making monsters. I hope you like the cold... More from me here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTtlUXF-m_765skFC2zw7lg
By Naryv 36 43:17
After a few weeks of resting your wounds and traveling together you decided to hire Hunter to come with you on hunting monsters and saving anyone who is in need and to your surprise he accepted. Now you're hired by an elder vampire to their village in danger of being attacked by ferals, What kind of adventure awaits you two..? More from me here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTtlUXF-m_765skFC2zw7lg/featured
By Naryv 36 63:17
You and Hunter search for leads on the evil vampire apparently making monsters which brings you both into a town called stone pillar but before getting more info you and Hunter overhear the towns innkeeper and their current dilemma, you two waste no time helping them... let's see how this plays out... More from me here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTtlUXF-m_765skFC2zw7lg
By Naryv 36 26:03
You're a new adventurer with your other three friends you set out into the dangerous world to make a name for yourselves but disaster strikes when a monster attack separates you from them, now alone in an unknown forest you slowly make your way through it hoping you'll find the exit soon.. More from me here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTtlUXF-m_765skFC2zw7lg/featured
By Naryv 36 32:34
You and the exiled prince arrive at a village where a doctor will help treat all your wounds you're excited but what will happen after this? how long will he travel with you? Will he leave you one day? you shove those ideas back and just enjoy your time together... More from me here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTtlUXF-m_765skFC2zw7lg