Hold my hand, let's imagine together By CosmicDoge 18 10:19 grounding techniques anxiety aid affirmations sleep aid
Hold my hand, let's imagine together. By purple_haze_of_love 7 12:05 grounding techniques M4A anxiety aid 54321 breathing gratitude affirmations imagine with me sleep aid kisses cuddling to sleep for comfort <3 you deserve it script by u/aramdomperson here
Hold My Hand By ardentdesires 1 10:29 Grounding Techniques F4A Script Fill SFX White Noise Anxiety Aid Breathing Gratitude Affirmations Imagine With We Sleep Aid Kisses Cuddling to Sleep 10:30 Synopsis: Can you whisper to me what the struggle is in your beautiful heart? Hold my hand, let's imagine together script by u/aramdomperson