Ext. Tags: talk of one
This script was written by u/ellamachine and you can find their script posted here!
Synopsis: You (listener) are going home to your parents’ house for the holidays, and before you leave that day you and your boyfriend have to pack for your stay. While he’s getting his suitcase ready, your boyfriend asks you which sex toys you want to bring, and you admit that you think having sex in your parents’ house would be incredibly awkward. Even though he understands, your boyfriend wonders how he’ll survive the whole stay without touching you. He figures that you should fuck right beforehand so he won’t be tempted.
TAGS: talk of and one
DESCRIPTION: You (listener) are going home to your parents’ house for the holidays, and before you leave that day you and your girlfriend have to pack for your stay. While she’s getting her suitcase ready, your girlfriend asks you which sex toys you want to bring, and you admit that you think having sex in your parents’ house would be incredibly awkward. Even though she understands, your girlfriend wonders how she’ll survive the whole stay without touching you. She figures that you should fuck right beforehand so she won’t be tempted.
AUTHOR: u/ellamachine on Reddit