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By mowhispers 38
The script text begins here. Heyoo what’s up ugly! - My mother? Cruel.. I’m telling her.. - Mhm yea yea yea so what’s up. No hot date tonight? - You left early? What a bitch Owww! What!? that’s rude! Why did you leave? - Don’t wana talk about it? Oh come on don’t be so dramatic you tell me everything.. - Ok then what are you doing here then since you wana be all sensitive today.. you’ve come to the wrong place if you wana be all girly and emo - Well THAT I can do. I’m a great distraction What do you wana play? - Mario cart is lame now.. pick something else - No we played it out by now I have more games you know Yea let’s play _________ You want your usual spot? bean bag chair? - You smell nice.. hmm that’s new.. you really did have a date huh? - What? Normally you smell like fucking old spice - So did you bring us some brewskies ooorrrrr - What did I tell you about coming over empty handed dweeb.. I’d make one of the guys leave and come back with an offering of sorts.. no weed either? - You know just because you’re a girl I’m not gona be nicer to you or something.. i should still make you go - Hey hey relax I’m joking sit down. 2 years hanging in the dorms and you still don’t get my humor? Here’s your schtick cry baby.. choose your character.. I’ll even let you pick the map - Hmm not bad.. i can work with this.. so uhh, you gona tell me what—- hmm? Oh Destiny? It went really well I’d say.. only problem is the girl won’t give me space.. we slept together once and she’s always texting me and sending me snaps and flipping out on me if I don’t immediately respond to them like OKAY nice titts babes I’ve told you a million times.. sending me nudes constantly isn’t gona make me move you higher up in the rotation, it’s just putting you in the clinger category - Hey hey dude you’re gona get us killed watch my back! - Yea I noticed you’re kind of off your game - What? I’m not a douche bag.. I was upfront with her about not wanting a relationship n shit.. not my fault she got herself dickmatized - Oh come on how do you know that? - Oh I forgot you two are in that girly little horny group chat - Ppfffff I mean that’s just my signature move - No not even! Ok look I just have a thing for eye contact or whatever so like even if I’m hitting that shit from the back I like to turn their head around and make them look into my eyes.. and sue me I like to makeout while I fuck.. - That’s not all THAT intimate it’s just good sex that’s not making love.. sometimes I like to fuck slow and take my time. I’m an artist that’s all.. - That’s the kinda shit that makes girls needy? Well what am I supposed to do start handing out whack dick? - Hey you might wana grab that health pack my guy you’re a little low on the life support - Hold up we’re SUPPOSED to be talking about YOU what the fuck did you leave your date for? And if you say you don’t wana talk about it I’m kicking you out ok? That’s such un-bro like behavior.. and you’re gona harsh the vibe dude this is the—- I wasn’t gona say Mojo Dojo Casa House I was gona say—- no fuck you this is TOTALLY a Mojo Dojo Casa house and you’re gona ruin the Kenergy with your girly moodiness so what’s up.. spill it right now bro-tato chip - Wait you left DURING the….. nah nah wait I’m pausing the game.. no no no cuz that’s wild.. you left DURING the sex? Like during foreplay or did he like go inside and—— - WHAT? It’s not weird! You wana be a dude bro so bad dude and this is how we talk.. you don’t get to pick and choose give me the deets.. controler down! - It was THAT bad? - Gott damn he nutted after 3 pumps? You’re exaggerating right? Pfffffff - I’m SORRY! I’m sorry ok ok start from the beginning you went to his place, okay? Then what a couple drinks? Makeout sesh? - Y’all sat there awkward? - Oh you initiated the making out.. - Shitty kisser? Damn.. ok then? - Ok grinding in his lap classic, - Blow Job right away? Good girl! What about him did he—- - Dude… he didn’t eat you out? - What do you mean an attempt was made! - Fuck ok the bad kissing should have been pretty telling.. proceed? - Fingering felt like a rodent clawing at your uterus? Jesus Fucking Christ so I’m assuming you’re barely damp at this point with garbage foreplay but I’m assuming he still went for it - So literally 2 pumps and then he assumes you’d stay for him to get it back up.. God.. you seriously attract such losers.. stop wearing boys deodorant maybe that will help huh? - Oh my God dude no I just mess with you all the time you’re not ugly just funny lookin.. - Ok ok hold on I’ll be real for a second.. you’re very very cute.. you don’t dress that well but I could always tell you had BODY under there.. like those titts are hella bouncy.. and maybe once or twice I’ve seen your ass jiggle when you wear my baggy basketball shorts when you get too wasted and need to stay the night.. trust me that’s not the issue.. I think the issue is that you’re TOO hot but you don’t realize it so you keep throwing yourself at these inexperienced losers - Maybe If you finally get you some good dick you’d set your standards higher I mean Jeese how do I look as your best friend if i associate with the girl who dates weenies - What do you mean noone with good dick wants to fuck you.. you haven’t even tried.. I would uh.. i mean if it were a different circumstance.. - Wait what? Hey what are you—- OH MY—- dude why did you just come over here and shove your hand in my pants Oh Fuck that feels good. Wait wait isn’t this like weird? Or like crossing some sort of unspoken boundary? - Oh you’re full on stroking it… ok listen.. LISTEN I’m only gona be a gentleman for like another 30 seconds.. - Alright this is what you want? Take these off.. the jeans pull them down.. - Yea no don’t sit on my lap yet lay on the couch right here.. mhmm panties too.. - Homies can give eachother head don’t be weird bro have you never had your pussy licked correctly before? Exactly today is that day.. open up.. - nah your legs goof ball spread them - Good girl.. I mean.. sorry.. so listen don’t be afraid to guide me or anyone for that matter ok keep your hands on the back of my head so if I move while it feels really good you can guide me back to that spot ok? - Yea like that.. damn you have a really pretty pussy by the way dude.. nice.. and it smells good too Dude it’s just us you can moan for me.. lets me know if I’m doing a good job - Mhmm feels good right there huh - And then if I flick my tongue really fast like this - There she is - And I like to slurp my way up and down your whole pussy a little - Hmmm - Nice huh? - Mm what about this? Yea I know i know but open your legs.. come on you can take it - It’s the suck and swirl.. it’s intense I know it’s my finisher I can do this as long as I need to come on baby girl.. let me in - There you go - Don’t hold your breath ok? Let it wash over you Mmmmm see? - You ok champ? Ha good! - Ok then let me get up I think my knee is gona fall asleep.. so like I said maybe now, you’ll—- what? Oh that.. yea I get hard when I eat pussy.. plus you’re like.. hot and your whimpers are cute it’s whatever.. - Nah nah it’s cool ! Just wanted to lend a helping hand.. or mouth. Or whatever. Plus I just like eating pussy.. - You wana…. You wana sit on it? Hey look you don’t have to that’s not what I—— oh.. shit right in my lap huh? Ok fuck it come here Pull it out of my sweats - Mhmm.. sink down on it.. hey hey slowly please this isn’t your fucking dildo - Oh goddamn you’re so fucking slippery and gushy and mmmmmm tight! - Yea rock back and forth a little.. uh huh that feels really fucking good.. take your time.. go faster when you’re ready ok? - Yea you are you’re doing really good.. - Yea you wana go faster? Go ahead - Ok fuck.. - Yea I see why those losers cum too quick.. - Fuck baby! - I uh I mean dude - Mmmm you tired? You want me to take over? - Oh you want me to show you the—- Ok here we go.. the eye contact thing hop up for a sec and bend over the couch - Uh huh good girl and I’m gona slip back in from back here.. hold on ok? Mhmmm deep huh? Now I’m gona grab you by your face and turn your head towards me ok? Look at me baby look me in my eyes while I pound this pretty pussy - Yea I know moan for me does this feel good? - You like this don’t you - Little slut for eye contact now aren’t you - Yea talk to me baby.. - Yea fuck you? U want me to fuck you harder? Can you take it? - Good fucking girl clench that pussy for daddy.. Yea that’s my girl You gona make me cum? Yea? You sound so cute when your voice is all shakey like this from being bounced all over the place on my cock you know that? - - Yea you feel amazing.. seriously! - Fuck you for throwing this good pussy at weirdos this is prime real estate right here - Don’t you dare waste this pussy anymore you understand me? - Say it - Tell me you understand - Mmmm ok I’m gona cum.. fuck.. umm where should I umm.. - Wait what? - Oh you’re on birth control? - Fuck yea you want me to cream in that pussy? Who knew you were such a cum slut I love it Ok ok I can’t even.. I need to—— Oh shit.. that was.. wow I haven’t cum without a condom on in ages… FUCK that was amazing.. - Who me? - Oh you get it now huh? - Hey don’t start acting all annoying like Destiny ok? - Yea yea I know I’m just making sure.. - ME don’t be weird? Oh Fuck you! - So it was good for you too? - Awesome.. - U wana like.. clean up and walk to the liquor store on the corner? - I mean I gave premium best friend services I think the least you can do is supply us with some beers - Ok good.. cuz I can STILL kick you out you know.. if you would have said no.. you’re not above the law missy.. - Hmm? Oh God see now you’re being weird! I called you baby girl IN THE MOMENT it’s like a reflex I still think you’re stupid ok!? - Hey wait ugly? I’m not.. you think I’m—- oh you think you’re funny huh? - Yea yea guys get insecure too fuck you.. let’s go dweeb ————Fin———-
By HaruLuna9909 94
Summary - Master turned Barghest and Artoria into giant women before he went out for a mission. He expects them to be ready for play time after that, so the two of them thought of something to play with him more~ Tags: This is a commissioned audio. Please DM me if you would you like a custom audio like this one too. Credit: Written/Voice/Edit by me Links: Want more ASMR Audios? Contribute to get me a 3Dio Mic! Links to Support me/Hear Longer 18+ Audios: Buy my Audios on
By HaruLuna9909 94
Summary - It's time for round two for master. He shall be the dom and sub~ Tags: This is a commissioned audio. Please DM me if you would you like a custom audio like this one too. Credit: Written/Voice/Edit by me Links: Spoil me? Links to Support me/Hear Longer 18+ Audios: Buy my Audios on
By HaruLuna9909 90
Summary - It's time for round two for master. He shall be the dom and sub~ Tags: This is a commissioned audio. Please DM me if you would you like a custom audio like this one too. Credit: Written/Voice/Edit by me Links: Wanna spoil me? $HaruLunaVA9 Links to Support me/Hear Longer 18+ Audios: I'm also a vtuber. Support me there too! - SFW
By HaruLuna9909 90
Summary - Master turned Barghest and Artoria into giant women before he went out for a mission. He expects them to be ready for play time after that, so the two of them thought of something to play with him more~ Tags: This is a commissioned audio. Please DM me if you would you like a custom audio like this one too. Credit: Written/Voice/Edit by me Links: Wanna spoil me? $HaruLunaVA9 Links to Support me/Hear Longer 18+ Audios: I'm also a vtuber. Support me there too! - SFW