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Orgasms x 6 Erotic Audio Sex Stories

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Happy Monday!! Another glorious week of work. Woo! My week and weekend were long and I did lots of reading. Still reading something other than smut. Shocking, I know. However, I might need to read smut after this book as a palate cleanser because this book is HEAVY and stressing me out. But there are fun ways you calm that down. And, I started things just a little different. As always, let me know what you think. Please do not download or share my content anywhere else. Want more? Check out my profile.
Good mid morning on another glorious Monday….Gross. My weekend was fairly quiet. Migraine. Reading. Cleaning. Ooooo….Fun. I did finish the book that stressed me out though. And then I read a dark romance that made me ask the room, “What the fuck did I just read?” And now we’re here… As always, let me know what you think. Please do not download or share my content anywhere else. Want more? Check out my profile.
Good Monday afternoon for the second week in a row. I guess it just keeps happening. Oops…. Anyways, I had a pretty good weekend. I read. I colored because coloring helps ease my anxiety. I made cookies. I thought about cleaning my living room and then said, fuck it. Next weekend. And then I did some of this. As always, let me know what you think. Please do not download or share my content anywhere else. Want more? Check out my profile.
Good Monday afternoon for the third week in a row. I guess it just keeps happening. Oops…. My weekend was…Well it was a weekend.i think collectively, I slept for 5 hours. Ooooo….But I’m feeling ok today. Weird. And then I realized it’s been a week since I did some things. So I fixed that. As always, let me know what you think. Please do not download or share my content anywhere else. Want more? Check out my profile.