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By MommySammys 58 50:25
Glued down by Mommy... Rest your heavy head in my soft, warm hands and enjoy a nice, gentle scalp massage, whispers, and kisses in your ears... And then the massage will move inward... Slipping into your pussy-mind~ I will demonstrate the great power of the brain. Your brain really is capable of quite a lot - It is the command center of your body. It is responsible for all of your aroused thoughts, cravings, and actions... It sends chemicals and signals down into your body... Active, buzzing transmitters all throughout your body... From the tippy top of your head, all the way down into your toes~ During this pussy-mind massage, we are going to focus on the orgasmic signals that originate from your brain... That make you feel soooo good~ They sensitize your body... Make your muscles warm and tense... Pump your blood into your face, your lips, making you feel flushed and hot... And down in between your legs~ The blood pumping in... Making everything expand and engorge... And much, MUCH more sensitive~ And as my soft, warm hands & voice pump into your pussy-mind, you are unable to move while the pleasure in your body slowly builds and builds... Building an unstable formation that can topple over at any second... Crashing down... Sending crashing waves of pleasure throughout your entire body... Pussy-mind and body... Tingling and squeezing... Orgasmic signals flooding your body with buzzing pressure... Creating a big mess for you to clean up afterwards~ Listen multiple times for best results~