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By SapphicGiggles 76 -17:55
I received an anonymous request for my next audio on my feedback form, and well here it is and it's an absolute gem. It takes me back to where it all began with the very first script I ever recorded by u/ellamachine And guess what? Ella is the same genius behind this Script once again. You (listener) finally convinced your girlfriend to go on a hike with you to one of your favorite local spots. You knew she wasn’t an outdoorsy person but thought that maybe she’d like to get out into nature on such a beautiful day, but you were proven wrong almost immediately when she began to whine and complain the second you got out of the car. You insisted she finish the hike, though, because you have a trick up your sleeve for when you arrive at your destination. Listener genitals not described but they are able to hike and climb with relative ease Pet names used: babe, baby