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Stranger2lover Erotic Audio Sex Stories

2 results
By Sentiment 75
"Leave her, Johnny, leave her!" you drunkenly cry as you embark in your little dingy. Your last romantic partner has recently left you for a jolly sailor bold, leaving you, a miserable land-lubber timid, lonely and sorrowful. Drowning your sorrows in a bottle of the Good Captain, you take what's left of your money and buy a little dingy, resolving to set out and "prove them wrong." This, of course, was a stupid idea, and you have little food and potable water left as you're stranded out at sea. Half crazed with exhaustion, hunger, and sea-sickness, you spot someone on a nearby rock...
By Sentiment 75
It's been fun living in LA. The air quality and rent are pretty bad and disproportionately affect POC, but at least the food's good. All this changes, however, when a spine-chilling howl, like the ghostly scream of a damned soul being put to torment, rends the very sky. Then, you see it upon a building - a horrible creature of flesh and hide and bone. A werewolf. You think it's spotted you. As you freeze in fear, a well-dressed man comes out of nowhere and tackles you to the ground...