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Teacher alex Erotic Audio Sex Stories

7 results
By ppalganAlex 32
Before you hit the play button, I would like you to read this short letter for you. This is the first episode of Teacher Alex. It is a series that I have been designing for long time to pull you into my deep naughty imagination. This audio is about a girl who gives consent to Alex. Consent about her effort and will to be a good student. I want you to be the girl. And when you are ready, press the play button and hand over your consent to me with your own hand.
By ppalganAlex 32
If you could listen and understand Korean, our conversation would go like this. Hello Yes, it is me. Alex. How have you been? I've been good too, thank you for asking. Nothing special. I just wanted to let you know about the next class. Our next class will be held at the theater. Yes, the theater. The small one next to your place. Let's meet at 9PM. The movie is at 10PM but we can study little bit before it starts. Maybe with some popcorn. Ah, wear a skirt. See you then.