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Whispers & kisses Audio Sex Stories

34 results
By MommySammys 58 51:47
(NO AWAKENER, Listen when you go to bed) You don't care how dangerous it is... You want this fantasy to become a reality~ To feel the crushing weight of a naked sex-demon on top of you... Whispering into your ears... Kissing you everywhere... Rubbing my juices onto all of your trembling, sensitive spots... Linking your brain to my insatiable LUST~ And when I seize control of your brain... I know exactly what you know... Feel what you feel... Hear what you think and crave... And I can influence what happens in that head of yours, too~ Your human mind is useless... Weak against mine... I call all the shots... I am your permanent cohabiter... And I know exactly how to toy, tease, and torture you... Forever~ Fall asleep with me inside of your head... And I will return every night... I will be waiting for you in all of your dreams... Every. Single Night~ Listen to my overpowering words... Latch onto every noise I make... and drift... Down into trance... And ever further down... To sleep... With me - The succubus of your mind - making a home for myself~ WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.
Full audio: 28:07 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/87382458?pr=true ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Important stuff ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Written by Princess Dulci For more + my master spreadsheet: www.princessdulci.com
By Mercutioh32 32 -37:11
Well, This is it, Number 4. I have done over 3 hours of voice work for this series and I love it with all my loves. Today's Gentleman suitor? He's a little bit of a blender. You see he's got a little Death, a little War, and a little Famine in him. There will be two versions of this posted because I am not sure the way I want to treat the Audio. My Original or My Extra Spicy. This would be the Extra spicy version. Recorded by the love child of me and Adam Driver. If you've made it this far Kudos. You've listened to me for roughly one Lord of the Rings worth of smut. It's not over yet though.... Enjoy the filter added Extra Spicy!