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Your College Bully Wants You (To Be Their Cat)

You, a neko, are sitting on a park bench late at night wondering what you should do. Stuff happened with the humans at college and you don't have a home left to return to anymore. As if to add to your misery, this bully that's been 'harassing' you at college every opportunity they get just happens to be walking in the park. And they just happen to notice you. They taunt you for a while, and then they- wait, w-why are they holding your hand like that?! Script by u/it_rains_blue_here ♥
Another morning of guarding the royal heir, another morning of enduring their relentless teasing. Only, this particular morning, they have something else in mind... (I am so beyond sorry to anyone who listened to the initial version of this a few days back when I first posted it. I pride myself so much on making scripts completely and thoroughly gender-neutral, even ones such as this that were originally *heavily* gendered, but after 120 projects, I finally missed one single pronoun in the editing process, and it's been a deep shame for me that sent me on one hell of a depression spiral. I know I disappointed some of you and that breaks my heart more than I can say. I really hope those of you who were upset by the original can still enjoy the corrected version, still enjoy my work in the future, and trust me when I say it will not happen again. Once again, I offer my most sincere of apologies, and want you *all* to know that my content is a safe place for you no matter your identity, orientation, or anything else for that matter, and that my content will *always* be for *everyone*. I love you all. -Moth) Script by u/NightwalkerStreet ♥
You may not run the largest smithy in the world, but for a human, you do make some rather large armor, which has attracted you a rather large friend! As they return from their quest, they thank you for your protection, and confess how much they thought about you while they were away. And they've got their next adventure planned. But why are they so nervous about telling you about it? Script by u/logosomancer ♥
You meet your childhood friend after a long time on a family camping trip. You’ve thought of them often over the years- harboring a secret crush of sorts- but on meeting them again, you’re horrified to find they're even more attractive than you imagined. This (you think) automatically puts them out of your league. When all is said and done, you’re in your hotel room, just trying to get some sleep. But your insomniac crush has something to tell you… Script by u/it_rains_blue_here ♥
It’s been two months since you’ve been taken from your home, and one month since your eyesight has been taken from you as a “fair punishment” for looking at other girls, and you haven’t looked at much of anything since then, let alone any other girls. Much to your dismay, the strange person who took you has found joy in your newfound helplessness, and you’ve been forced through the most terrifying and painful month of your life. Script by u/Triple-G2521 ♥
In the early years of a terrible war, groups of randomly selected people were put into cryogenic sleep with the hope that they would ride out the conflict. You were one such person, chosen to rebuild the world once the dust settles. But, you eventually find yourself awoken by an unfamiliar face, and you appear to be the only survivor. Script by u/Pickled_Jar ♥
Your best friend swings by your alchemy shop after getting into a fight with a wizard, which resulted in their being cursed. It's up to you to figure out exactly what kind of curse this is, and how to cure it before they get even more annoyed than they already are... Script by u/SplashiestPig ♥