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Hehejo1 Audio Sex Stories 22

After Listening to a Post of one of my Favorite Girls on here, i just got in the mood and wanted to give back something to you girls.... Im lately in a "brain strike" and i cant really record i try alot but fail, i hope this helps to get back on the street of recording. You ladys are all super lovely and i wanted to thank you all for posting, and making our lifes a bit more sweeter.
Ok, just wow, i had some problems at the start but after some tips in my last post i got the confedence to try a longer Recording and some editing. I hope you like it since im new to the Recoding and editing stuff, i hope for some advice for my next one! Thanks so much to /u/pennyforyourtautbod for this u took my long recording&editing virginity thanks haha.
Hey GWA, After i got hit up by a few girls that i should please post here, i thought about it and since im listening to your lovel ladys here now and then i came to the conclusion that i should give something back. Im currently on vaccation so sorry for the background noices, i will start as soon as im back in germany =)