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You're My Love Story, My Sweetest Dream

I'm very new to doing voice recording but I was to be able to find this gem of a script that made me want to read it aloud. This script is written by u/youronlynora Description by author: A tender and intimate moment unfolds as a person expresses deep affection and gratitude to their sleeping partner. The dialogue paints a picture of profound love, appreciation, and commitment. From the calming presence during sleep to the admiration of inner and outer beauty, the speaker promises unwavering support and endless love. The shared dreams become a metaphor for their shared journey, and the quiet, heartfelt whispers create a warm, serene atmosphere that encapsulates the essence of a loving relationship. The exchange concludes with a gentle kiss, symbolizing the sweetness and connection shared in the quiet moments of togetherness. I hope you find some comfort and value, for you are precious. Dream sweetly... The voice in the dark, James Midnight
Good day or good night, Filling a lovely script written by u/youronlynora A romantic script which made me, a hopeless romantic, fill in this script. Summary: This tale follows the journey of an ex-couple, the groom’s sister and the bride's brother, who reunite after a breakup that lasted two years. Imagine love as a soft melody once shared by two hearts, now faded into life's bustling symphony. In this story, fate suddenly brings us back together when the your (listener's) brother marries my (speaker's) sister. Script by u/youronlynora Dream sweetly, From the voice in the dark, James Midnight
Hello to those who are looking for love, those who have been hurt by love and those who deserve love, I wanted to give some affirmations and praise to those who may feel that they are valuable this Valentine's Day. Well you are valuable. Dream sweetly... From the voice in the dark, James Midnight
Good day or good night darlings, I've completed a script fill for u/youronlynora who has written a lovely and delicate piece about holding hands. Description by author: Let's explore the profound intimacy and emotional connection between two individuals through the simple act of holding hands. It delves into the power of physical touch as a means of communication and support, highlighting how it can anchor individuals amidst life's chaos. Captures the essence of love, companionship, and the strength found in shared experiences. Dream sweetly... The voice in the dark, James Midnight