Okayokayokay so I came across this script by my literal favorite person to listen to on this subreddit, u/redhairedmilf, and I've been wanting to do a JOI so much that it wasn't an option to *not* do hers. Of course I don't know if she'd ever listen to this, or like this performance of it, but if she does hear it, all I can say is holy shit.
Anyway, I hope you all love listening to this and have an amazing few minutes with it. In fact, if it "works" and there's any cumming that happens with this, please let me know because that would make my year.
It's been just over a week since I made and posted my very first audio, so I'm still hoping to improve as we go, so please let me know where I can do better and I'll try to implement it in the future. I'm also thinking of writing my own script sometime soon, but that's also pretty daunting, so we'll see...