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Your Needy Succubus Begs to be Bred but

It’s late at night, and you awaken to find your succubus at your bedside. She is obviously agitated. Her legs are fidgeting, her cheeks are flushed, and she’s giving you that look when she wants to be fed. But she can’t possibly be hungry. You fed her only a few hours ago, before bed. What could be wrong with her? What does she need to feel better?
In this world, men are used for their seed, caged and milked like cows. Women enter the facility and can choose a man of their liking, then take what they need from them. Lovely collab partner: https://www.reddit.com/user/LittleMissAphrodite Excellent script by /u/MagiSci: https://redd.it/5oe34l
Jane has long since given birth to a fine Goddess, but something just isn't quite right. She had experienced sexual intercourse with a man and he had impregnated her the natural way, the way we were meant to be conceived. And now she's feeling some strange side effects, both physically and mentally.