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Pussy licking Audio Sex Stories

208 results
After a long hard day, when my love gets home, I like to show her how much she means to me. To help her relax. And so, I do the thing I love best for her: going down on her and letting her cum on my face and tongue as much as she wants. For as long as she wants. After all, my baby deserves it!
La Petite Mort (an orgasm) - Ramblefap Performed by: Scarlett Blush Hello Lovelies! I'm here with a Ramblefap designed to inspire something great out of you. Something great and wet. Something we call La Petite Mort, the little death. Don't worry, it's not as bad as it sounds. It's just that moment of pleasure where you feel your soul may have left your body and gone to heaven for a moment. Enjoy! one line of
By kinkyshibby 788 86:48
I am certain that for those of you who are absolute sluts, who want to experience sex in every way possible, those of you who are just horny holes who want to enjoy the heat and power and absolutely depraved promiscuity that only having a pussy can bring you... Well you're going to make a mess.