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Feel Me, See Me

You have always been the shy girl, the perpetual wallflower, the quiet one. It has been even more difficult know that you are at school and away from home for the first time. The boy in your lecture who you have a crush on is throwing a party this weekend, and you're finally going to talk to him. Unfortunately, now you are suddenly invisible. Luckily, even if he can't see you, he can still feel you.
**Synopsis:** Today, your girlfriend will cuck you for the first time. Before you leave for work in the morning, she checks in with you one last time to make sure you're okay with what's going to happen today and tells you she loves you. When you get home, she let's you to jerk off while giving you all the details of how she got fucked while you were at work. After you cum she gives you sweet aftercare.
then     Your best friend is playing with your phone like she always does and comes across your reddit profile, chock full of BDSM content. You realize what she's looking at and snatch your phone away in embarrassment but when you finally meet her eyes you see she's flushed and breathing kind of heavily, she couldn't be into it too... could she??