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Tender Audio Sex Stories

195 results
By DLRisBestBand 44 35:23
By RuthieRen 366 23:14
Shhh. It's all right. Shh. Do you miss Master? He'll be back soon. The affairs of the market take him away to the city for a few nights sometimes. But ... he left you chained by your ankle to the bed ... in my arms ... so I can keep you warm and safe while he's away. No. Kitten, no. You're NEVER going to be sold again. You're home now. And if Master ever wanted to sell you, I wouldn't let him! Oh you sweet frightened girl. You are MY little kitten. Master bought you for ME to play with. Didn't he tell you? He knew I was lonely. And he saw how sad and lonely you looked in the slaver's pavilion, like you would just cry if someone didn't take you home and wrap you in a warm blanket. Written by the ravenous, generous growly u/Ravishagirl and Editted by a master himself u/Kilbeggan32 , both of Reddit! Add'l Tags:
By grinningpup 157 30:30
Mommy Needs a Hand DISCLAIMER - All recordings are a work of fiction and belong to user GrinningPup and the affiliated author. Please don’t distribute the work via any channels that I don’t approve directly. Sharing is caring but theft is not. All characters depicted are over the age of 18 and any semblance to characters either real or fictional is entirely coincidental.
By RuthieRen 366 35:17
Opening Scene: You knew it wouldn't be easy -- Royal drider women and human men are from different worlds. In fact, your sister-in-law Lilith has offered you a hefty sum in order to call this sham of a wedding off, but you are determined to risk it all with a counter offer.... Main Scene: You arrive home to your darling, she was worried... and has a small confession. Then she finds out that you made this deal with Lilith. While she doesn't think it's the best deal, she adores you and will do her part. She shows you the ultimate act of spider love by sewing you a suit of silk 'armour' ... however, it seems the act has quite worked up your waifu to be... you've got all night right? Written by the wonderful: Logosomancer Editing by the awesome: Kilbeggan32 both of reddit!