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Your Savior Part II

As everyone knows, being the S/O of a superhero comes with its entirely own set of risks. You never would have thought that one of them was becoming the property of your boyfriend's rival, and you never could have imagined that you might start to enjoy it. After an amazing encounter, you can't help but wonder what the right thing is... why do you seem to like him so much when he's a bad person? Are you morally obligated to fight or will you surrender yourself to your savior?
You're a good person, who hangs out with good people. In fact, your boyfriend is a superhero and you love the way he saves the city. Sure it comes with a lot of responsibility with the press, getting put in danger constantly, and being left alone most nights. But as everyone knows, being the S/O of a superhero comes with its entirely own set of risks. You never would have thought that one of them was becoming the property of your boyfriend's rival, and you never could have imagined that you might start to enjoy it... Until one day, you wake up in a room being stared down by the villain himself.
Hey y'all, i'm finally back and i've got a new audio for ya!! The summary of this audio is your brother has stolen money from a local criminal boss (Me) And he has kidnapped the both of you in hopes of using you to teach your brother a lesson (Some lines in the audio are directed at taunting your "Brother") Anyways sit back, put those headphones or earbuds in and enjoy the
Well little darlin, you're in the hole deep and i think it's time you pay what you owe...don't worry, just come sit in my lap and we can discuss that as long as we need to.
It's been a long night out for you, you've finally returned to your home out in the country and sat down to enjoy a glass of wine and some nice relaxing music, you're not expecting any visitors, but tonight your long standing debt will finally be repaid.
I am going to give you what you want My Queen of the night… The one to which i am bound… The only person in a thousand years i’ve ever loved… always and forever my Queen...get ready
So this is is a quick little "about me" post, i recently hit 50 followers and i wanted to show that i do really appreciate everything from y'all by telling you a bit about myself. Was kinda scatterbrained recording this so i do apologize for that.
This Q&A goes on about 12 minutes, after the questions i do talk for a bit so i do apologize for rambling on, just wanted to get some stuff i've been thinking out there so y'all would hear it from me!