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I Loved You Then And I Love You Now

Additional Tags: Description: It's been two years since you walked out on him. Two years since your best friend broke your heart. What you two had is nothing but a bad memory at this point. You've moved on. But now that he's standing in front of you, telling you everything you've always wanted to hear, you're not sure if moving on is what you really want. This is part two of my script "I can't let you go without having you one more time", but can also be filled as a stand-alone.
So I have been talking about trying my hand (pun intended) at one of these since I first heard one and it occurred to me, while I was getting h*rny editing a new fill, that I was already at my desk with the microphone ready and pressed record. I grabbed a lil bottle of lube and went as long as my body would let me.. I hope you all enjoy!!
Listener Synopsis: You are a part of a group of highly skilled, world renown, criminals. No one seems to know your individual identities or how to catch you. Every member of the team brings their own set of skills. You, being the only woman on the team, bring the art of seduction. Luring men into a false sense of security, too clouded by their own lust to think clearly…and then you strike. Your favorite way to kill? Knives. Specifically a butterfly knife. Why ? Because there's nothing you love more than to be up close and personal when your victims take their last breath. So far everyone on the team has taken a liking to you, everyone except the leader. He feels your methods are too risky as your victims can see your face. But anyone who's ever been your victim and seen your face,has never lived to tell anyone, so you don't know what he's on about. He also doesn't take too well to newbies and has a bit of trust issues and you've been giving each other shit ever since you joined 6 months ago. At this point, you enjoy it. You look forward to it. It even turns you on so you purposely piss him off, but at the bar, after a failed mission, you realize you may have gone too far and bit off more than you can chew.
Summer break has come and gone, and you’ve spent it playing cat and mouse with your ex. Turning up at every get together, you tried your hardest to make sure you got his attention, while he’s done his best to ignore you. Determined to show him what he’s missing, you show up to the last party of the summer in something only meant for his eyes. Surely this will get him to finally notice you, and notice he does…
Summary: Work has been horrible lately, getting you overworked and overwhelmed. There's one thing on your mind: Submitting to someone who would know how to empty your mind and take all the stress away. Nothing works in your favor, leaving you pent up, short on patience, and when you best friend helps you move the last few boxes you needed for your appartment, one single remark from him is enough to make you spiral. He puts up with it though, and even more than that, you realise he could be the one to really give you what you've been needing.
Oh wow dude I can't believe we were fucking and you decided to go and get a bf... the audacity lol??? Whatever Listen HERE. Read HERE. Thank you so much to u/pocketsizeddaddy for the amazing cript to work with. I didn't even have to oull this from anywhere, this was from the HEART lololololol. Thank you to everyone tht listens to my voice in this contxt you nasty mf's, big smoooches to you all. Have a lot of fun and lmk how you feel about it.
Synopsis: The Police are back at your neighbors house for the 4th time this week. This is nothing new as there's always an argument or disturbance coming from their house ever since you moved in next door. They have 2 little twin boys that you babysit often whenever the parents go out of town for work for a little extra cash. Every single time without fail, the boys run to your house for safety and of course you let them in and sometimes stay the night. It always seems to be the same 2 officers that show up. One male. One female. You've become very fond of the male officer as you see him quite often and he comes to check on the boys. He's older than you but he's handsome, confident, and sweet. Just your type. He always seems to be flirting with you, but you're not really sure if he actually likes you. So tonight is the night that you make the first move…
You and your bf are having a quiet night in, half-asleep, watching TV hanging out in each other's company. You show him something he's never heard of before; "the ick". Confused, he asks you for an explanation. To his absolute horror, you jokingly admit that he's given you the ick before. You find his confusion hilarious, and so he demands an explanation.
Synopsis: Dating has been hard for you already, but now with your new symbiote partner who attached itself to you against your chill, dating is even more difficult. But you are guaranteed to make this date with your cute coworker at your new job work, regardless if you remain friends or turn to something more. However, this night proves to be something unexpected when sparks begin to fly and Venom grows hornier by the second.
Summary : It’s wash day! But your rough day at work has left you a little down and too discouraged to continue with your usual routine. Luckily, your attentive and helpful boyfriend has been trying to pay enough attention to your routine to be able to help you out. Just sit back and let him do the work (;
(RE-UPLOAD) Another bad day at work, another day of binging Supernatural, another night of me trying to cheer you up, baby girl. LISTEN HERE this is actually the first script fill I've done in my very short time on Reddit. I really do hope you all continue to enjoy and looking forward to hearing me here. :) More to come and I hope more of you to cum as well. This script was written by the amazing u/KuroChairoNeko . I'd highly suggest all VAs give them a follow. (Read it here) Hello all! So I'm reuploading this because I wanted to see the reception to this being uploaded after sending it to a vocal engineer. Much love and appreciation to u/TheVagineWhisperer2 for mixing my vocals. Positive and negative feedback/criticism is welcomed!
After two years of being no contact with your ex, you wind up at a surprise engagement party back home for a mutual friend. Avoiding him won’t work, so you agree to give him 5 minutes of your time to clear the air. You wind up on the other side of the house – alone, with the only man who’s ever made you cum so hard you see stars. What’s the worst that can happen? written by u/ursmutlibrarian
You invite your best friend over for your weekly movie night. He arrives looking so sweet in his matching plaid pajamas, and he’s brought snacks to set up in the kitchen. Usually, he’s flirty as a joke, but you’ve noticed the longing glances lately, how his eyes linger on your ass a little longer than he’d care for you to notice. Tonight, he seems extra flustered by you, and you decide to order him around just to see how long he’ll last. He seems to be a little too good at this…
You’ve been going through a lot recently, and it’s left you sleepless and riled up. One night was the breaking point for you, and in a stressed state you call your close friend and ask if he’s awake. He does his best to calm you down over the phone, but he knows it’s not enough to solve everything. Wanting to be there for you, he tells you something that’s worked like a charm every time - meet him at your spot, away from the crowd, away from it all. Maybe, just maybe, a listening ear and a helping hand is what you really need.
Synopsis : Listener finds herself waking up in a strange bed after going home with that one handsome guy. What has she gotten herself into...
Synopsis: One cold, snowy Christmas Eve when everything just seems to not be going right, two unlikely strangers are brought together by strange circumstances, but soon realize that they’re not as unlikely as they had thought and learn they know more about each other than the other realizes. Or in which a scriptwriter for GWA meets their favorite VA one night while snowed in at an airport on Christmas Eve. Wonder what could happen next…
heres a little sumn sumn for y'all being nice to me. I was trying not to get walked in on but for 15 mins I am making my body make very curious noises .... throne.com/sappyboiradio