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Coffee date Audio Sex Stories

15 results
By April-May4 13 -21:50
"You've been pestered by your family for the last year to "bring a date to the family reunion, or else", and have been too busy with work to even *think* about dating, much less to the degree you'd have a girlfriend worthy of a long weekend with your family. Just when you were convinced you'd be going alone, your buddy Eric suggests a friend who might be able to help you out. After a quick email requesting a meet up, you await her at the coffee shop to hash out the details and see if she'll take the gig. You didn't know what you'd expect, but you sure as hell didn't expect *her* to walk through the door...." Script by u/Brenna_Sage
Summary: You suffer from pretty bad social anxiety and it causes you to have a pretty bad stutter, making social situations all the more difficult for you. While on a coffee date your stuttering evokes some laughter from someone in the line behind you. Your girlfriend decides to give them a piece of her mind...
By Molbyfium 30 12:53
Years after breaking up, you and your college ex are catching up over coffee. It’s clear that you’ve both done some growing and thinking in your time apart. But some things never change — like the way you feel about him. Thank you to u/bluesia for this wonderful script. Sound effects from Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/, and my own library.
By sappyboi 33 28:17
Synopsis: Dating has been hard for you already, but now with your new symbiote partner who attached itself to you against your chill, dating is even more difficult. But you are guaranteed to make this date with your cute coworker at your new job work, regardless if you remain friends or turn to something more. However, this night proves to be something unexpected when sparks begin to fly and Venom grows hornier by the second.
By Ethereal_Moth 136 -22:00
After accepting the invite from the Wizard, the day has come and you go out together! Chilling together inside a comfy and warm cafe, you watch the snow falling gently, whitening the streets outside. The snowy weather also gives the perfect opportunity to create a cute and unexpected present with magic. Script by u/Yume_Dreamfields ♥ (This one was a special one that I really tried my best to make magical. I hope you all enjoy as much as I did ♥)